What is the history of the POS system and how can AnyPOSConnector help eliminate its risks?

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As a restaurant or café owner you all have definitely come across a hundred different types of POS systems. Of course, a POS system is a simple but a revolutionary system that allows people to leave behind those ancient problems of taking food order, food orders online and manage cashflow through each of them. In fact, for customers reading this, you might find POS systems at a counter in a regional café or even a big five Michelin star global restaurant. But what is the POS system – does it only help in collecting cash? Or is it a system that simplifies the process of billing at the checkout counter?

So, finally, what is a POS system?

Well, the POS or point of sales systems is where all the customers make payments for services rendered or products bought. It also helps in generating invoices for the same and more! Considered to be the central command of an entire operation, the POS system is where the main factor of running a business happens including client and inventory management, sales etc.

But the POS system has evolved over time. Mostly, this is thanks to many innovations that have arrived as part of the digital age, and one of the primary places where a POS system may be found is your neighborhood restaurants. Primarily, the main game changer within this space has been the advent of food ordering apps that match the provisions of online ordering system for restaurants. 

Most people when they order food online, use food ordering apps such as Zomato, Swiggy etc. However, they continue to face problems that cannot be solved by the native POS machine. 

So, how does AnyPOSConnector help in such a situation?

The Best Offerings 

Independent POS frameworks are already worked up with every in-store sales that barely has time to do other things. So, to keep up to date with the new innovation, it is vital to coordinate all your work in a system that can handle it – helping your clients get their food faster and hotter, and you their satisfaction. 

Integrates to online food ordering apps

How many know that use of food ordering apps to order food online from anywhere a customer wants is significantly reshaping the manner in which foodies are buying and eating food and an independent POS system just will not be able to keep up with it. Firstly, traditional POS systems don’t make custom applications for iPhone and Android that work seamlessly for restaurants that are ready for a major transformation. Moreover, native POS systems also do not keep track of client data – which means, native systems do not follow and categorise orders as they come in. What’s worst is that clients this way do not get advised with regards to their order through email and pop-up messages. Such a situation is called a botched chance. 

On the other hand, however, a consistent online ordering system provided by AnyPOSConnector for cafes and restaurants helps establishments recognise patterns such the highest ordering locations and exploit that information to drive more business there. This is an amazing way to create new income streams without making a ton of changes to your business model. 

Helps in activating a wonderful CRM 

Probably the most ideal manner in which to acquire and sustain clients and growth is the use of discounts and other seasonal or monthly offers. But how can you do this with the old POS system? It doesn’t give any support in such a situation. With the AnyPOSConnected added to your POS system you can run loyalty programs to reward recurring customers, and special codes can be applied straightforwardly at the checkout automatically, so you don’t have to worry about a single thing. The AnyPOSConnected automatically connects with the food ordering app and the restaurant’s cloud memory to make clients very, very glad to be a part of this food journey. For restaurants, this perfectly consistent communication channel between your POS system and the AnyPOSConnector brings about a everlasting client relationship management system. 

Allows for a seamless Merchant Experience 

If you run a café, then the last thing you should ever need to worry about is missing orders that come through online channels! Independent restaurant or café POS frameworks, that function on the native system, don’t give every minute of every day to help service customers that are ordering food through food ordering apps. Someone or something needs to crosscheck updated menus for perfectly synchronized communication. Further, what will convey the indicated request of pick up and drop time of food to the clients coming from online ordering? POS systems incorporated with the AnyPOSConnector takes care of menu synchronization and time of delivery! This basically guarantees an added level of unwavering quality, full control, and absolute productivity for you.