Top Challenges for Mobile App Development with Geo-Location

Mobile App

The geolocation services-based market is expected to reach $40 billion by 2024. The market is intense, especially with the continuous advent of mobile device-generated organic traffic. From websites running on the phone to valuable applications, reap the benefits of the geo-location benefits. Geolocation is an integral technology and central feature of several apps and marketers’ data haven. the potential of geolocation is limitless with the right implantation and of course the consent of the users. 

The implementation of the geolocation practices is a serious deal for businesses. Below we have given a sneak peek of industries’ names that depend on the data gathered for the geolocation technology. 

Apps and Features That Depend and Benefits From Geolocation Technology:

  • In-Built Maps 
  • Social Media Marketplaces 
  • Weather forecast Apps
  • All on-demand Service Apps
  • E-commerce Apps 
  • Health Apps 
  • Wearable Apps
  • Tracking Apps 

Okay, so since it is established that a couple of trending app categories employ the geolocation application, it becomes important to shed light on the complexity and challenges that come with it. 

Top Mobile App Development Challenges with Geo-Location

Privacy Concerns and Preferences:

In recent times the privacy has become a tantamount issue and neglecting the privacy of the users could hit the commercialization of the app badly. while consumers require spot-on location tracking at moments of use but consumers have always protested against the constant location tracking and they demand to have it stopped. At such points, it is hard for a developer to draw a line to achieving users’ consent over geo tracking. 

Since most of the application’s central feature is geolocation, the developers are challenged to create a roadmap of geo-location technology that aligns with the user preferences and privacy concerns. 

Using Single Method of Geolocation 

Inaccurate and imprecise data is one of the biggest downfalls of the application affecting customer relationships. Developers have to integrate methods of geo-locations that can work despite the device state, satellite position, and dense urban environments among other external factors. It is essential for the developers to connect the app with every data source available on the device such as the device’s hardware, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cell towers, and the basic GPS.

 The technique is to allow apps to use as many methods as possible for locating the precise geographics of a consumer. But allowing several methods would also influence the application database, functionality, and again battery drainage. With the growing urbanization, the method of sourcing data has to increase its efficiency in the meantime. 

If or when the challenges are not overcome by the developers, the significant feature starts to influence the efficiency of the application. Rather than a challenge, using only one method of geolocation data collection is neglection from the developer’s side which in the future becomes a challenge to modify and bring the app back to standards. 

High Consumption/ Battery Draining 

Battery draining has also been an issue for mobile apps and a potential cause of failure too. Among all the issues that cause high battery consumption, GPA is no secret. As suggested by users this has to be one of the most annoying and incompetent parts of an application. 

However, Geo-location is an automated procedure determining the Geographical positioning of an electronic device as permission. So, the reason behind GPA’s high consumption of the battery is constant real-time location updates. While the consumption is logical but it is still a challenge for the developers to overcome. They are required to analyze which of the existing options can reduce the high battery consumption by balancing the accuracy and frequency of the updates. Both android and iOS processors have different solutions to compensate for the battery loss and it’s up to the developer to estimate the application use and implement the right solution. 

Clarifying The Use of Geo-Location in The Background:

With applications personalized with features, it is a little unfair to copy-paste the same policies available on the internet. With privacy concerns suggested by the users, it is important to take a clear stand on when, how, and why the geolocation technology is using the device location and the data it is storing in the database. 

It becomes important for the developer to clarify the reasons backed by logical explanation when and if required by authorities. This step significantly challenges the developers to minimize the need of running geolocation in the background and promote transparency between the consumer and the business. 

Geo-Location Compatibility with Old Devices

To enhance the user experience and facilitate outstanding performance, mobile manufacturing companies are in a race to adapt to the latest technology. The same pressure is then imposed on the app developers to develop an app that would adopt the latest technology for functionality. 

However, one area where most developers fail or face challenges is being inclusive of the old devices. Several old processors do not have the same GPA capabilities to generate data precision supported or required by the latest app functionality. 

Particularly for the reasons mentioned above, companies should launch their mobile apps developed by professional Mobile App development companies

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