Top 10 Healthcare Technology Trends

technology trends

Healthcare is among the biggest industries and its development helps to cure numerous, and sometimes rare illnesses. It is mainly due to technological advancements in the field of medicine that allowed for a better understanding of the human condition.

Technology plays a significant function by providing greater insight on the anatomy of our bodies. But, it is impossible to make progress without taking into consideration other obstacles that block from a more positive healthful and happier future. Some of them include increasing healthcare costs, rising inequities, as well as climate change.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence is advancing across a variety of industries, including other things healthcare. With a variety of applications, like analyzing the patient’s information as well as other data and the capability to design new drugs and improve diagnostic methods effectiveness, AI is one of the most significant technology in healthcare.

Machine learning is a form of AI that has a significant impact on the health sector. Recently the technology has helped in the field of examine CT scans to treat the symptoms of coronavirus. However, there are many different applications of artificial intelligence that go far beyond the treatment of pandemics. For example, AI improves cancer diagnostics. For a long time, the primary method of diagnosing cancer was through biopsy, however it was not able to reveal the complete image of the organ’s tissue.

2. Integrating Data and Predictive Analysis

Connected to AI as well as other technology Data Integration and Predictive Analysis can help gain valuable insights into the health of patients. With AI-powered devices like robots that provide integrated data as well as predictive analysis, doctors are able to gain insight into the medical records of patients and can make a more precise diagnosis and determine what treatment is best for them.

Robots analyze the information and can anticipate what’s needed for the patient. However, this raises concerns regarding the presence of robots in particular if they could actually replace humans in their duties. The concept of robots replacing humans is already prevalent in science-fiction films, for instance, the robot ‘Baymax’ which is featured in Big Hero 6, can detect the severity of a patient’s suffering and notify the patient when a patient is in danger, and identify the medication needed.

3. Technology in Mental Health

Based on the World Health Organisation, mental health problems are on the rise across the globe. Over the last ten years, there’s been an increase of 13% in mental health issues and addiction disorders mostly due to changes in the demographics (2017). Today 1 out of 5 individuals suffer from an impairment due to mental health problems. Recent changes have been mostly due to the popularity of social media as well as the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the last year, many innovative technologies have been developed which can aid in meeting the patient’s ongoing needs for mental health. A

4. Remote Patient Monitoring & Virtual Care

Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the global network of connected devices, as well as the technology that allows inter-cloud communication and inter-device interconnection. The medical field, commonly called”the Internet of Medical Things, features cutting-edge medical technology such as wearable sensors, devices that can connect to 5G and remote patient monitoring.

5. Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics, which we have discussed previously are a way to help people suffering from chronic illnesses that require continuous medical attention. The treatment can include monitoring of symptoms, medication changes and behavioral changes. These digital therapies can be given to patients by their doctor, and give access to a computer or an application on their smartphone.

Another example of remote-care could be bedside monitoring devices that allow medical professionals to check on the health of their patients electronically.

6. Wearables in Healthcare


It is mentioned in IoT innovation, wearables or wearable technology is a category of devices with electronic components that are used as a fashion accessory, implanted into the body of the user, embedded into clothing or even tattooed onto the skin. However, we won’t talk about wearables as a device but rather as an important advancement within the field of health care. Smartwatches, for instance, allow the user to monitor remotely the health of a patient by providing information on the heart rate blood oxygen levels and blood pressure. Wearables like pedometers and different sensors are also able to measure the physical health of a patient.

7. Organ Care Technology & Bioprinting

3D printing that we discussed in our article Learn more about Industrial Applications of 3D Printing is the method behind bioprinting. 3D printing is used in the field of healthcare by creating things like external prostheses, orthopaedic and cranial implants, and personalized airway stents. But, it has also proven its worth in the planning of surgical procedures and has been used to difficult open-heart surgeries, including the entire face transplant procedure in the Cleveland Clinic.

8. Cancer Immunotherapy

We have already discussed cancer in this article, but we did not mention the treatment known as immunotherapy  which is a form of treatment for cancer that has advanced and is now able to extend the lifespan of patients. It is based on the concept that cancer can be treated altering the genetics of a patient’s cells and thereby enhancing your immune system. It enhances the immune system’s ability to assist in the removal of cancer. It doesn’t cause harm to healthy cells, as chemotherapy can. It utilizes the body’s immune system to detect and eradicate specific cancerous cells while also slowing the growth of tumors.

9. Augmented & Virtual Reality in Healthcare

There are a variety of ways to use VR and AR  in the field of healthcare. These technologies permit the integration of physical and digital environments in a multi-dimensional manner. The advancement of Augmented Reality is dependent upon artificial intelligence. As we’ve mentioned before cancer is detected by using image recognition. VR can be utilized in physical therapy, for instance, in cases of mental trauma, and could help to treat anxiety. Doctors wearing AR glasses may overlay CT scans as well as 3D scans data to peer inside the bodies of patients.

10. Decarbonisation and sustainability

As the world strives for an environmentally sustainable future healthcare providers are also striving to help create a healthier environmental footprint, for example, through eco-labeling. Ecolabeling in the world is a voluntary approach to ecological performance and marking. Within a particular class, an ecolabel is a symbol of items and services which have been proven to be more sustainable.

So, companies invest in eco-friendly printers for labs hospitals, clinics, as well as healthcare facilities. Medical professionals also benefit from these printers and create expert pressure-sensitive labels which can be used to identify patient information, account numbers, medications medical alerts cage cards, medical alerts and much more.

Conclusion, assessing the social impact, and implementing eco-friendly solutions, such as green hospitals, innovative methods of treatment, enhancing the diet of patients, and choosing environmentally friendly medical equipment is the key to creating a healthier medical environment.