The Importance of Updating a Website Regularly

Website Regularly

Imagine that you’re getting ready for an interview. Are you going to look through your clothes and pick the perfect pressed outfit, or the wrinkled t-shirt and pants that’ve been soaking in your filthy hamper? Most likely, you’d pick clean clothes as you’d like to impress as much as possible. While we do not judge, other people do. The same principle applies to the world of digital that you must represent your company in a manner that is contemporary and professional. Let’s examine the benefits of regularly updating your website and how it will influence how people view your company!

Web Design: Keepin’ It Fresh

Your business is crucial to you and you’d probably like it to be valuable to others as well. A difficult or outdated site can make customers turn away before they even realize the name of your company. If your website appears or appears outdated customers will simply turn away and never return. How do you instantly attract prospective customers? Simple: ensure that your website is up-to-date using safe internet practices and a custom-designed web design!

Securing Your Website

Security should be among the most important concerns for companies both small and large. We hear too often about big businesses that are attacked, which compromises sensitive information like client’s credit card or Social Security numbers. This causes a loss of trust and can also damage the company – customers may decide to switch to rivals because they fear their personal information could be stolen yet again.

Lock it down with SSL

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer, is an encryption method for transporting information from a server the browser.

Choose a Secure Website Platform

One of the main reasons that websites are attacked is due to the vulnerabilities to the platform and framework the basis of which they are built. WordPress does not just one of the most simple platforms to work with and is also one of the safest websites that your business can build your website on.

The new releases are released every couple of months for WordPress and the program is simple to update to the most recent version. Security features are built into every release of WordPress. They detect vulnerabilities and enhance their software prior to problems affect your site. Websites that are running old version of WordPress are more vulnerable to being hacked since hackers are able to find out the WordPress version your site is running and then hack their way into it via backdoor portals.

Choose a Company That Understands Website Security

You must ensure that the business you select to develop and/or host your site will hold its security and the safety of your site in the highest regard. Your security is their primary concern. Even if you are using a secure platform for your website, the configuration of your backend for your site can have a significant impact on protecting your site. A flawed configuration for your backend could cause security breach.

It is essential for your site’s hosting provider be alert to potential security concerns and to have plans in place to guard your website against the threats. Ask your hosting company when they upgrade versions of WordPress the site is running or the plugins that are included within it. The best companies offer plans that update the plugins on a regular basis, every quarter, to ensure that your site is protected regularly. Check how often they backup every single data file on your site. Ideally, they should backup every day, which means that in the event of a incident or breach that causes your website to go down and they are able to quickly restore to the operational version of that day’s.

SEO Workout

Let’s say you have an ambition to work on your fitness to become more toned. You go to the gym eight times in the span of two weeks, and you’re feeling accomplished. Are you satisfied? If you’re committed to your goals, you shouldn’t.

The same concept applies to SEO. If you’re really committed to achieving top rankings for specific keywords or content, then you must persevere in your efforts!

Additionally, companies such as Google constantly alter their algorithms. The best way to stay in the forefront of these changes is to update regularly your website’s content. This will show Google that you’re a credible source, that will lead to higher ranking and more traffic to your website.

Stay Ahead of Tech Trends

Regularly updating your website is essential for keeping current with the latest technology. Technology is constantly evolving and you need to ensure that your website is evolving with. This will provide your visitors the best experience, which will encourage them to return to your website more often.

Keep Your Website Content Fresh

Maintaining your website’s content up-to-date will help the business you run in a variety of ways.

Better Content Gives You More Traffic

Making sure that your content is current on your website can help create trust between you and your clients. It is likely that your customers rely on your site to provide useful information about the market you’re in.

Updated information also aids in building domain authority. Domain authority, as it is explained is how much of an authority in a particular topic your website has. For instance, has one of the top Domain authority levels as its content is constantly reviewed and researched by editors. Additionally, you’re not distracted by unattractive or irrelevant ads. Google is held highly when attempting to connect search queries with relevant and useful information.

Have you ever been to a site that has copyrights dating back to 2014 and their most recent blog post is a few years old too? It makes you think about whether they’re still around or if they continue to provide services to your area? If you have outdated content on your website, including things such as an outdated location for your company or a non-modern technological system could be interpreted by those who are interested in your business that your company isn’t keeping up with the newest developments. If a visitor reads information on your website that makes them think “wait, I don’t understand that” or “wait, that’s not right” You’re affecting your credibility.

Keyword Content Strategy

Another way to update the content on your site is with your keywords. The existence of pages on your site which discuss a particular subject is only beneficial in the event that you can ensure that the keyword(s) are included. For instance, if you company offers repair services for A/C or similar services, then you need to have a section on your site that is dedicated to repair of A/C. Companies can also make use of specific city pages to find their way into specific cities, like Raleigh, Durham, or Cary, NC.

It is essential to ensure that your keywords are on your site up-to-date and also the content. Perhaps you’ve expanded into a new city within the last few years, or have launched an innovative product or service. If you don’t revise your keywords then you’ll continue to receive traffic from your original city and service but not the new ones.

Improving Page Load Speed

Page Load Speed

It’s no secret that users do not want to wait around for information. When they visit an online site, they’re hoping to access their information fast. If your website takes too long to load, they’ll search for another that’s quicker.

A website that is regularly updated should improve the speed of loading. Updates to websites that make use of the latest technologies and code that is cleaner will reduce the bounce rate on your website. It can also boost your Google rank.

Updating Your Website Design

A lot of businesses concentrate on content and online marketing but neglect to consider the design and navigation on their websites. A few of the issues to keep from your website are hard navigation and colors that are too dull or offensive, and unnecessary long form forms. These things could cause a website to is a turnoff for customers even though your content is of the highest quality.

Mobile-Friendly Web Design

60% of all traffic on the internet today comes via mobile devices such as iPhones or iPads, Android phones and Tablets. That means the website you’re using isn’t mobile-friendly and accessible on smaller screens then you’re not reaching more than 50% of potential clients. It’s as simple as that!

Keep the Target Market in Mind

The design of a website should be centered on the requirements of your potential client. This means that you should provide easy-to-access, interesting information that the perfect customer in your market appreciate. This also means that your website’s main goal is making those visitors customers. The market you are targeting could shift over time as expand your business, recruit new staff or invest in new technology, so make sure to adjust the content on your website in line with the changing needs of your customers.

Final Word on Updating a Website

We are driven by the desire to be the most up-to-date and coolest websites. We prefer things to be innovative as well as current. If that is how our culture operates so why should your site be outdated and old-fashioned?