Major Tech Trends in Education 2022

Trends in Education 2022

The education sector has experienced a rapid digital transformation over the past two years. We can all agree that every stage of schooling has shifted towards online and cloud-based delivery platforms. This shift covers primary, higher education, professional, and workplace training.

Changing needs of workforces and industries have caused a dramatic tilt in the relationship between adult learners and education providers. Any university or college that fails to adapt to these changes does so at its own risk.

Technology has brought much-needed improvements in schooling. Today, we have cases of people who comfortably complete their MBA without stepping foot in the university. To stay updated, join me as we fly through the major tech trends in education in 2022.

Immersive Learning

It is not surprising when researchers point to dropping attention spans among people. Today’s digital world has accustomed us to absorbing information in ultra-fast, bite-sized, and attention-grabbing chunks. Unfortunately, this development has not spared the education industry.

Extended reality (XR), which covers augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR), promises valuable solutions to this shift. It is capable of creating more engaging and immersive studying opportunities.

Imagine how much information you will absorb if you tour a digital reconstruction of ancient Rome compared to reading history books. Nevertheless, XR offers other advantages for the schooling sector.

Education providers can train students in simulated environments that would otherwise be risky and harmful in real life. Also, it spares expensive equipment from damage during training sessions. Prominent examples of this scenario would be surgeons and firefighters.

Artificial Intelligence and Classroom Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) will impact every aspect of human interaction in 2022, with schooling inclusive. The ongoing deployment of self-learning software will automate repetitive tasks in education like grading papers.

AI will provide more personalized forms of education thanks to its ability to become better at whatever task it executes. One prominent example is the Altitude Learning system, which uses AI to suggest study pathways personalized for children.

Another valuable concept in this tech trend is Adaptive learning, where the course adjusts itself to meet the learner’s needs. There is so much we are yet to achieve with AI, but the technology is fast developing.

Gamification of Learning

Gamification is an effective way for teachers to engage students in materials they might otherwise find b. It could be as simple as playing jeopardy in teams to learn historical facts or awarding prizes for the best spelling test marks.

Elements of a game make studying fun and rewarding. Notwithstanding, technology has taken gamification to a new level with online learning games. It has expounded on this concept to keep children engaged in studying with fun, awards, and certificates.

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Asynchronous Learning

Although asynchronous learning is not a new concept in the education sector, we will see the provision of more engaging asynchronous learning materials. The crucial point is to ensure students have easy accessibility.

Furthermore, 2022 will be the year we see the introduction of an offline mode in asynchronous learning. Students with no or limited internet connectivity can use this functionality to keep pace with their peers throughout the academic session.

We saw the disparity in learning during the COVID19 pandemic, where students struggled to keep up with remote learning. Inadequate broadband and lack of access to devices partly caused this disparity. 

Hence, it is a welcome development for remote schooling to accommodate offline access. Making study materials accessible anywhere takes education beyond the classroom and online settings. It will allow for a more efficient approach that caters to the needs of all the students.


The value of the education technology sector (EdTech) can hit $680 million by 2027. Trends like mobile technology, virtual services, and cloud technology will create new avenues to accessible and immersive learning.

Thankfully, in 2022, the quality of education has transcended the four walls of the classroom into the online space. Technology is blurring the lines between physical classes and online schooling.