Technology Stack: How To Select The Right One For Web Application Development

Web Application Development
Technology Stack: How To Select The Right One For Web Application Development

When it comes to building a digital product, No matter the mobile app or web application, deciding the right technology stack for your app development is the most important thing. But Why?

This is because the technology stack directly affects your application’s performance. Simultaneously, the application type you are building also influences the technology stack selection. Choosing the right technology is one of the keys to the success of every digital product’s success. 

What is a Technology Stack?

A technology stack is a set of tools, frameworks, programming languages, and technologies used for the development of software products. For web development, it includes a front-end, back-end, and a database for building a functional and user-friendly web application. 

The Structure of Web Applications 

Web apps can be installed on a server and accessed online through a website browser on users’ devices. A web application’s infrastructure must incorporate:

  • A Web Server: It is used to get, process, and supply user requests in HTML message form. IIS, Apache HTTP services, and NGINX are some popular web servers. 
  • A Caching System: It makes web applications’ loading speed fast and ensures to deliver good website performance. 
  • A Database: Relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and Non-relational (MongoDB, Apache Cassandra) are two databases. 

Basic Components of a Web Application’s Structure

Web structure includes two components including Frontend and Backend. Let’s discuss them below:


The frontend helps to make the interaction with an app through a practical presentation layer. Major components of the frontend include AJAX, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. 


The backend is the tech in charge of the communication between the server-side, the client-side, and every part within this technology. Here are some popular programming languages and their major frameworks that are used in the backend.

  • PHP – (Laravel, CodeIgniter)
  • Python – (Django, Flask, Pylons)
  • Golang – (Gin Gonic, Beego, Martini)
  • Ruby – (Ruby on Rails)
  • JavaScript – (Nest.js, Meteor.js, Express.js)

When all components of the frontend and the backend are combined, it is known as a tech stack. 

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your Web Application Development?

With so many options for tech stacks in 2021, selecting the right technology for your web application development is a vital factor. As the types of tech stack, you will choose can make or break the success of your app, try to select the best one for your dream project. But how? Here are some factors to consider when looking for the right technology stack for your web application development. 

Factor # 1 – Project Size and Type

The app project’s size impacts the tech stack selection process. As your web application grows, the complexity enhances as well. So, it is essential to choose a technology stack that can handle the complexity over time. 

Using Webflow or Readymag tool for small size web applications which include 1 to 3 web page sites and portfolios is a wise decision. Medium-size web apps include financial apps or online stores. It requires frameworks like Node JS, Angular, and many more to develop this size website application. Large-size web apps require higher performance, better serviceability, and top-notch scalability. So, it requires more tech layers and needs third party tools to develop the project’s parts. 

Factor # 2 – Time to Market

When it comes to selecting the right tech stack for your project, time to market is one of the most important factors to consider. MVP (Minimum viable product) development will be a wise decision if your web apps need to be developed and launched quickly. Fast time to market not only helps to launch your web app quickly but also helps to collect feedback from early adopters. However, just the MVP development approach is one part of the battle and another one is developer expertise. With an experienced web app development company, releasing your web application on time will be easy. 

Factor #  3 – Scalability

Scalability means a web app’s ability to handle the load. For example, if the number of users increases, your tech stack should allow your website application to manage the growth. So, as an experienced web developer, you should choose the best technology for web development that can handle both types of growth including horizontal and vertical. Horizontal growth refers to the web app’s ability to handle user growth, whereas vertical growth means the ability to add new features and functionality as per user’s needs. 

The Final Thought! 

Finding out the right tech stack for your web application project demands a thorough understanding of each of the tools involved. With a lack of information and experience in web development, you may end up with the wrong tech stack selection which may be risky for your business reputation. To reduce the risks, you should get in touch with an expert web or app developer or a reputed web or mobile app development company that can help you come up with the most feasible combination of web development tech stacks in 2021.