Alternative levels of education


         1.Informal education

Because education is so crucial for the development of a developing country like India, numerous strategies have been designed to reduce the number of dropouts. Non-formal education has been offered a new outlook to make it meaningful and to encourage the huge drop-out population. Its goal is to provide educational facilities for all drop-outs and to fulfil the desire for additional education in grown-up-drop-outs. Adult education programmes in India cover the age range of 1 to 35 years old and have been extensively enacted with the help of various voluntary organisations.

  • Improved curriculum

There is a widespread belief that the curricula used at various levels of education are inadequate. Facts do not support this impression. In schools and colleges, the curriculum for unnecessary and diverse courses has been changed and upgraded. In this regard, the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has set the correct tone. Continuous re-evaluation of the curriculum and teaching methods in light of innovations and methodologies used in developed countries has undoubtedly resulted in higher standards. This isn’t to suggest that the average quality of instruction and student proficiency have significantly increased. The general educational standard has been lowered due to a fall in teacher dedication and a widespread decline in morality and life standards. Exams have become a farce in many institutions and schools, with little actual assessment of students’ intellectual and other talents.

2. System of work-oriented education

Mahatma Gandhi and others called for a work-oriented education system. However, in India, establishing a vocational education system has proven to be a difficult undertaking. The current pattern of 10+2+3 with a professional track has merely scratched the surface of the issue. People despise being taught traditional crafts and jobs in schools.

Modern commercial education, on the other hand, which teaches skills such as typing, shorthand, and reception, has fared better in terms of public acceptance and demand. The primary question is whether or not training and vocation should be separated. De-linking will have the significant ‘benefit’ of lowering the appeal of higher education. However, separating our work from our degrees and credentials comes with its own set of risks. In any event, employment can only be offered if certain prerequisites are met. If the requirements are not to be established by universities or other traditional examination authorities, the recruiting firm or someone else will have to do the same work. Furthermore, the policy of not requiring a basic minimum level of education for various positions will lead to a progressive erosion of the standards required for various positions. Education is not to blame, as previously stated, for India’s vast unemployment.

3.The creation of “Open Universities” and correspondence education

New educational options have emerged in recent years, one of which is the correspondence education system. Almost all Indian universities now offer correspondence courses for a variety of degrees and certificates. In fact, correspondence education has opened up new horizons for the Indian educational system, which had previously struggled to meet the difficult task of providing adequate infrastructure for a large number of new entrants into higher education portals.

Evening colleges were initially used to meet people’s demand for higher education; now, worried education officials might turn to correspondence education. In the shape of Nagarjuna University in Hyderabad, the latest concept of ‘open university’ has also been implemented in India. In this regard, an open university differs from traditional institutions, which provide correspondence courses in addition to traditional college courses. Dropouts can improve their qualifications through correspondence education, and employed people can enhance their education and job prospects through correspondence education.

If correspondence education is made particularly effective, the glamour associated with college education may fade with time. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a non-profit educational institution founded by Indira Gandhi is another example of open education is a great choice for every learner. Not only open universities, various online educational apps are also working on how to sell online courses.

The learners often ask how to create an online course. So that these apps can not only serve as a platform for facilitating education but can also actively participate in providing education to everyone. Thus, helping India towards becoming a developed country.

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