A Quick stock Market Tutorial – 15 Tips for Beginners


Here we will discuss some Most Important Tips for Beginners who have decided to make their appearance in Stock Market.

  1. Before Stepping Into Stock Market Grab Knowledge about it. As little or No knowledge will provide Heavy Loss to You. 
  2. Never Believe what Others say About Stock Market, Go and Make Survey yourself about What Exactly it is and How it can Help you grow Your Money. It is Not Always Risky it is also a Secure Market where you can Use Your Intelligence to make Your Money Double. 
  3. Never Make Mistake to buy Bulk of Stocks Together. This will make You Confuse and you will not Be Able to concentrate on Single stock and you may end up Gaining Heavy Loss. Try To buy 4 to 5 Stocks in Beginning and if you see you can Easily Play with Them then buy more. 
  4. Don’t buy Stocks Of Same Company. If any Stock value is low then you will lose all your Money Invested.  Try To buy Stocks of Different company with Different Product as if any one Stock value Become Low then it Will not effect You. 
  5. Stock Market Is Like An Auction Market Where People Sell and Buy Shares Of Other Companies to each Other. 
  6. Doesn’t Fully Rely on Market Share try to use Your Intelligence also to grow your money? As Company has given you the Authority to take Care Of the Part of Its Companies Share in the Form of Stocks. 
  7. A proper Meeting is held in stock exchange Market to Sell and Buy stocks Of Company. 
  8. When you start Buying Stocks Of Company then you have to open Your Online Account by Contacting Online Brokerage Firm. 
  9. Basic Documents are required to open Your Demit Account where you can Receive You Money of Selling stocks. That is Identity Proof which can be Your Driving License or Aadhar Card. 
  10. You should Read Magazine, Books and Articles On share Market to get Proper Knowledge of it. Which will help you in buying and Selling Stocks? 
  11. Newspaper Contain Many stock Tables on the Relevant Page of Business Information. You can View and Get Information about the Latest Trending Stock in market from it. 
  12. It is A Policy that Company cannot directly sell their Stocks In market.  It has to update A List of Stocks in Stock exchange Market. 
  13. The Main Stock Market is in US that is New York Stock Exchange. 
  14. Follow the Policy of Hold and Sell in Stock Market.  Which means Buy Stock hold it for some time And When its Price increases then you sell it to earn Profit? 
  15. This is Not True That Greater the Risk Higher will be Stock Value. Stock Price Depend on the Companies Profile And on its Earnings. 

By Following All the Above Mention Points before Investing in Stock Market, then the chances are low Of Your Risk In market. Using Your Intelligence can Make You a King of This Market. 

About The Author

Gaurav Heera is a stock market analyst & professional trader. He’s also known as best stock market trainer in India and sharing his knowledge & expertise through his two best known courses named Stock market course in Delhi & Technical Analysis Course in Delhi

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