7 Strategies That Will Help You Analysing Dissertation Results in the Best Way

Analysing Dissertation Results
Analysing Dissertation Results

In today’s data-rich age, understanding the strategies for analysing dissertation results is a must for success. Even though tons of results are being created each day, why do only 0.5% get analysed using different strategies? The reason behind this is clear: not knowing how to analyse the dissertation results. Hundreds of students do the research and extract results but do not analyse them to make them valuable. The reason is the same as discussed earlier. So, keeping this in mind, today’s article discusses 7 strategies that can help you analyse dissertation results effectively. However, before that, let’s discuss what dissertation results mean and why analysing them is important.

What does it mean by dissertation results? Explain with importance.

Dissertation results simply mean the findings of your research or the data that you have collected after some experimentation on the research topic. Dissertation results come in the Results section of a dissertation. Along with the presentation of the results, it also includes a discussion on how your results answer research questions.

Conducting the analysis of dissertation results is extremely important. Why so? Analysing dissertation results helps you extract valuable information about the topic and guides you to make informed decisions about the issue at hand. Another reason why you need to analyse the results is that the analysis helps you unearth the hidden patterns and relationships between the variables. All in all, dissertation results analysis is an important activity. Getting masters dissertation help can be helpful to get it done with perfection.

Strategies to analyse dissertation results in the best way

Reading the information above, you have got an idea of dissertation results and why analysing them is important. Still, you do not know how to analyse them. This section is about explaining the top techniques you can use to analyse the results. As I do not know what type of results you are analysing. I do not know whether they are qualitative or quantitative results. So, I will describe strategies related to each result type briefly. Hence, let’s start the discussion.

Strategies for qualitative dissertation results

Qualitative results are non-numeric, consisting of only words, expressions, and descriptions. So, a brief description of the strategies to analyse such results is as follows:

1.      Content analysis

This technique is the most widely accepted one for qualitative results analysis. As the name suggests, you analyse the content of the expressions or descriptions using this technique. By doing this, you try to uncover hidden relationships, themes, or concepts. This strategy is used to quantify and analyse the presence of certain words and themes in the dissertation results.

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2.      Thematic analysis

The second method of analysing dissertation results in the best way is thematic analysis. This technique is usually applied to uncover the themes present in the results. As it is a qualitative technique, so you take all the words, expressions, and descriptions into account and analyse them to find the hidden patterns and themes. In this technique, you familiarise yourself with the results, code them, and then find the themes.

3.      Narrative analysis

Narrative analysis is the 3rd strategy that you can use to analyse qualitative results that are in storied form. This method is usually used to analyse the results gathered from personal interviews and observations. You listen to the stories of the interviewers and then analyse how they have made their narrative. A common assumption while doing this analysis is that interviewers tell stories to help organise and make sense of their lives. The stories in this analysis are meaningful and purposeful.

4.      Discourse analysis

Discourse is just a fancy word for speech and debate. It is a kind of interpretive method used for analysing dissertation results. The discourse analysis is done by taking the language and the social context of the speech into account. Without taking the context in which the speech took place into account, you cannot analyse the speech better. Discourse analysis allows you to analyse large chunks of expressions and descriptions as they flow together. It is important to note that this analysis is more than analysing the grammar of the text.

Strategies for quantitative dissertation results

Quantitative dissertation results are numeric results. It means they consist of numbers rather than expressions, descriptions, and words. A brief description of the strategies to analyse such kinds of results is as follows:

1.      Descriptive statistics

The first strategy most commonly used to describe and analyse quantitative research results is descriptive statistics. This strategy helps you understand the meaning of your results by summarising them and finding patterns. This method puts the research results in such a meaningful way that the patterns start making sense. Below are the methods involved in this strategy of analysing dissertation results:

Mean: A method used to calculate the numerical average of research results.

Median: A method used to get the midpoint of the set of values.

Mode: It is used to find the commonly occurring value in the results.

Standard deviation: This method is an indication of how dispersed the research results are in a dataset.

2.      Inferential statistics

While analysing the quantitative dissertation results, the expectation is to turn the raw numbers into meaningful ones that can be helpful in answering the research questions. Hence, the second method most commonly used to analyse the quantitative results is inferential statistics. Inferential statistics aim to predict or highlight the possible outcomes from quantitative results. This method is also mostly used to uncover the relationship between the variables. Below are some methods that are part of inferential statistics:

Regression analysis: A method mainly used to develop the relationship between the variables of the results.

Monte Carlo Simulation: It is a computerised technique to generate models of possible outcomes of the research results.


This article has talked about some of the best strategies for analysing dissertation results. It went further to show that there are two types of results that you analyse mostly. A brief description of the methods for each type of result is also up there. So, read the information part and analyse your research results in the best way.