10 Tips for Increasing Reach on Instagram Without Following


Are you looking to increase your reach on Instagram but don’t want to follow?

To earn a spot in the spotlight, be sure to check out Boost Social Media. Stick to the article till end and don’t miss out any tip. So, Let’s get started!  

Here are 10 tips to help.

A lot of people use Instagram as a way to grow their following and increase awareness about the products or services they offer. People like marketers, business owners, bloggers, influencers, etc., will often post images of things that relate to them and their business in hopes that others will follow or “like” what they’re posting. On the flip side of this how-to article is someone who wants to grow their followers without following. 

Whether you have a specific goal in mind for your account or you just plain old love posting pictures with no agenda whatsoever, here are ten tips on growing your audience on Instagram without following:

1. Post pictures at optimal times

The best advice I’ve ever heard on the topic of timing your posts is to post them when people are actually around.  Peak posting time for Instagram (when most users are active) varies by demographic, but research suggests that Thursday afternoon and Friday evenings are the most popular times in general. Find out when your target audience is more likely to be scrolling through their feeds and make sure you’re posting then!

2. Add hashtags

This has been a “thing” on Instagram for years now, but it’s still effective because if you’re using popular hashtags, Instagram will push your picture up in the search results of other users who might not otherwise see it. Popularity can come in many forms; you want to look at not only the size of a hashtag’s community, but also how often it’s used.

Even if you’re not looking for a specific audience, choosing popular hashtags is a smart strategy as they will help your posts get in front of more people overall. Another important criterion for selecting your hashtags is making sure they relate to your picture and/or account, as it can be annoying when someone who doesn’t follow you goes out of their way to find something unrelated just because it has high visibility. 

3. Engage with relevant accounts

One way many Instagram users grow their reach without following is through engaging with relevant accounts so that they’ll reciprocate by checking out their profile or even following them back! You can search for relevant users by using relevant hashtags or looking for them in the “explore” section. If you have a specific target in mind, use the “search bar” to find their handle and then click on their profile – I find that this approach works best when you’re looking for influencers who might be interested in what you have to offer.

4. Complete your bio 

This is one of those things that most people overlook because it doesn’t seem important, but a complete Instagram bio with a link to your website will help with SEO ranking and give potential followers more incentive to follow you! Tell people what they can expect from your account and make sure the link is working properly so they’ll actually be able to visit said website after following you.

5. Utilize Instagram Live

Instagram Live isn’t always the “sexiest” feature, and you might feel like it’s not worth using since it only lasts for a short period of time, but if this is something that interests you – I’d encourage you to try it out. One reason why live video is so popular these days is because we live in a very visual world where people respond well to novelty and real-time interaction. People can comment on what you’re saying or showing as you happen instead of just leaving their feedback at some point in the distant future when your picture finishes uploading – which means they’re more likely to interact with other things your post throughout the rest of the day! This has been great for me because it means I don’t have to wait until I get home to see how many people liked my post or left me nice comments.

6. Leave meaningful comments on other accounts’ posts

Not only is this a great way to show your appreciation for someone’s work, but leaving meaningful comments can also improve the chances of them checking out your account and maybe even following you! While Insta doesn’t allow links in comments anymore, they do allow emojis – which means that if you make sure to use hashtags as well as comment on something relevant , you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor from an SEO standpoint because those searches will now lead users directly to your account! 

7. Reach out to influencers

 If there are certain influencers you’re interested in following on Instagram, then I’d recommend that you reach out to them by sending a nice private message. Be sure to find out which types of posts they like the most and what hashtags they frequently use before asking for their help – it’s important that your request is relevant or they’ll probably ignore it. 

8. Stop following users who don’t follow back

Not only will this save you some time, but it will also make your profile look more aesthetically pleasing if it doesn’t appear cluttered with “ghost followers” at the top of the list! Although there might be an initial drop after removing certain inactive accounts, many users won’t even notice because there are so many other things happening within the app. 

9. Repost other users’ photos

This is a fun way to get creative and show appreciation for the things you love! Whether it’s something from your childhood or a celebrity you admire, I’d recommend looking through your “favorites” section to find an interesting picture before searching Instagram for a user who has shared that specific photo. If this doesn’t work, then try going into the explore section and scrolling through popular posts – if there’s something that catches your eye while browsing, give it a repost while throwing in a few of your own edits or comments to make it different from the original post! 

10. Link back to relevant social media accounts

When uploading pictures on Instagram, be sure link back to websites like Twitter, Facebook , YouTube , and Google+ so you can easily let your social media followers know what’s going on! You can use the “share” feature to link back to all of these social profiles without having to type out their URLs manually.

Although Instagram has been a popular app for quite some time, it’s important that you don’t take its success for granted and keep producing high-quality pictures if you want people to follow you. Although I’ve used other platforms in the past, Instagram is my favorite because it allows me to share things from my life while interacting with others who have similar interests – which makes this whole process a lot more fun!

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