The Difference Between Virtual And Hybrid Events

Hybrid Events

If past events have shown us anything there’s always a silver lining. Virtual attendance, working from home and remote work have opened up our possibilities and pushed us into a new age of digital surroundings. When you wish to find the ideal centre and compromise between two extremes, like virtual and physical conferences, hybrid becomes the best of both worlds. Taking the time and going the extra mile to provide all attendees with their ideal choice separates the average companies from the best. And the best companies care for all involved!

1. More people can attend

Physical events have their charm, and nothing can replace the human touch. Unfortunately, sometimes people cannot travel or attend your events or seminars. Maybe they work from another country, or some higher force can stop them from coming. On the other hand, you have pure virtual events that anyone can attend, regardless of their physical location. But in such cases, you are missing out on the social aspect and some direct hands-on approach that come with events.

People are occasionally obliged into a virtual office where everything is digital, and they are missing out on a valuable experience. To cater to both crowds, you can organise a hybrid event where you can have people who wish to come and attend and host a live streaming for those who can’t attend. By doing so, you are providing options for all, and then you can have a bigger audience.

2. More interactivity

Getting your audience to participate in any event is the greatest challenge to any organisers. Hybrid events offer a chance for all audiences to share their opinions and get involved by combining the best of both worlds. Digital means of attendance offer virtual attendees an option to ask a direct question, react and participate interactively with the speakers. Even with other users, you can use various social media agencies to get everyone on the same page.

This type of event, when you opt for a hybrid one, can provide the ideal ground for the Q&A section, where you can make virtual pools. Virtual attendees can vote and participate with your audience and speakers. Sharing material is also easier because you can share anything with numerous people with a single click. Also, you can receive more data and info to process from virtual attendees, which does wonders for the marketing department. As for your physically present quest, all standard practices still apply.

3. Cost reduction

Hybrid events offer you greater flexibility when booking and organising a presentation. Because you will have virtual attendees, you will need less space for physical ones. The main focus here is to invest in good internet connections and do proper testing before the event. Cables will be flying everywhere, buffering can ruin the feeling for online attendees, and a million other things can go wrong.

To get the best bang for your buck and organise the best hybrid event you can, it is always a smart idea to reach out to experienced and certified event management, who can take all that stress away. Your focus should always be on content and how to interact with both crowds. The entire logistics, and background that go behind the curtains, are best left to professionals. Your job is to do what you do best, presenting your subject and creating the best value for your attendees!

4. Better time management

Any event planner will tell you that time is the most valuable resource and the worst enemy, when it comes to even organising. You will have fewer people attending physically, meaning you have fewer logistics to plan. From the moment you announce your event to the actual date of realisation, you have all that time to prepare, fill and organise how you wish. Yes, some time gets dedicated to catering for the virtual crowd, but this becomes part of your standard planning.

Time for planning becomes time for creating content, venues, material etc. Your virtual attendees don’t have to hustle with transportation, weather and booking their stay. Hybrid events save money for all involved, and some type of people are more comfortable in the safety of their homes. Going the extra mile to ensure all participants are happy also creates a great atmosphere for the event, and when all people are happy, it becomes a breeze to organise a hybrid event!

5. Environmentally friendly

In our modern world, we need to be mindful of how we impact our immediate surroundings and the environment. Traditional ways of organising events involve using a lot of resources and emitting a great deal of carbon into the air. When attendants are forced to come to any event, they need to take a car, plane or other means of transport, book a hotel and drive around town to get to the physical place of the event.

For employees and attendees who are not located nearby, this becomes a situation where they have to upset the carbon footprint. Money and time are not the only resources that get used when you organise any event. Thinking ahead and being environmentally friendly can help your company and event to stand out.

6. Hybrid events stand out!

Hybrid events are still a novelty, and people are not used to them! This means that you can capitalise on the growing trend and stand out in the ocean of the same or similar events. People love something new and exciting. Hybrid events break the traditional mould of events and help you raise excitement and participation. The goal is to stay in your attendee’s minds long after the event is over, and with a unique hybrid event, you will create a long-lasting impact on all involved!

Necessity breeds innovation. When Corona struck, he world, we had to improvise, adapt and overcome the situation! And we did, as human effort can triumph over anything. Hybrid events represent the ultimate evolution over traditional ways we view and organise events. By taking the best of both worlds, they provide the ideal middle ground to pave the way towards the future! The sooner you get on that train, the better!