Should You Switch Your Broadband Provider?


The big switch; it’s something that many of us consider over the course of the year, but is often met with feelings of confusion and apprehension, leading many to miss out on the best deals. It’s estimated that the British public is collectively overpaying around £1bn for broadband and TV services – a substantial amount impacting a huge number of the population. With thanks to Zen Internet, we’ve been able to gain an insight into the feelings that Brits hold towards the process of switching broadband providers, allowing us to get a real feel for the benefits that switching can provide according to the public.

Will I Get A Better Package?

The first thought on everyone’s mind is this: will you receive better broadband performance if you switch to a new provider? Of course, this will depend on the providers that you’re switching between and the kinds of packages that you are using, so you may want to do a little research about performance in your postcode before committing to a new service. Zen’s survey found that 36% of people had fears about receiving a worse service when switching but in reality the majority of people (89%) found that they were more satisfied with their package after they’d made the switch. The biggest benefit cited by users is that their package was now cheaper and saved costs, a benefit that 48% of people surveyed claimed, with 32% also mentioning that they felt more reliable with their new service.

Is It Difficult To Switch Providers?

One of the biggest misconceptions about switching broadband providers is that it is an incredibly difficult process, but research shows that this isn’t the case – only 1 in 10 people stated that the switching process was harder than they’d thought it would be, whilst 46% went as far as saying it was easier than they expected.

The reasons for switching differ from person to person, so it’s all about finding a provider and package that suits you. The biggest reasons for changing according to Zen’s survey were:

  • Found a better value deal (32%)
  • Saving money (28%)
  • Moving house (21%)

The survey also discovered that the number one factor that persuaded customers to stay with their current provider was a guarantee for no price hikes and being offered the same deals as new customers (both of which were stated by 41% of people questioned).

Benefits of Switching

Switching broadband providers can, if done right, help to bring better performance into your household whilst allowing you to get more for the money that you’re spending – it’s all about finding a deal that offers what you need at a price you can afford. If poor service is an issue in your home, you may want to find a provider that has a higher performance rating for your area – some services can perform better in certain areas, so be sure to check that out before signing up for any old service. For those who are looking to cut costs when signing up for a new broadband package, new customer offers can be a great way to find the best packages at the best prices, with many providers enticing new customers with lower prices than what’s available to their existing customers.

Zen internet offers reasonably priced packages with exceptional speeds and service; their service is Which? Recommended, whilst their UK based customer service has been the subject of much praise. Find out more about Zen Internet’s broadband packages and how to switch over on their website today!