Pen testing is a sort of ethical hacking that enables businesses to mimic a cyberattack on their software infrastructure. When it comes to penetration testing, a team of authorised hackers plan and execute simulated cyber-attacks to identify and exploit faults and holes in the network security system.
As a result of the widespread use of in-network services by millions of users in Australia and throughout the globe, significant developments in internet usage have made Australia’s software grids vulnerable to hundreds of cyber assaults. According to statistics collected within a year by September 2020, cyber assaults are so common in the nation that the cybersecurity centres in the country get a cyber report once every 10 minutes, on average.
Such an increase in cyber attacks can only be explained by a breach in the security firewalls that safeguard critical data and information in networks, as has occurred recently. Penetration testing enables the organisation to thoroughly evaluate its networks to bolster its firewalls and make adjustments as necessary.
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What is the procedure for carrying out the process?
Certified hackers, sometimes known as ethical hackers, employ manual methods to get into a network security system and access sensitive information. This simulation is performed under the supervision of authorised security specialists. Additionally, modern artificial intelligence software that the organisation has contracted for the testing procedure may do pen-testing automatically.
Concentrated cyber assaults assist the organisation in reviewing its security measures, and the continual barrage of cyberattacks is logged and documented for future reference. Afterwards, the information is analysed to see whether there are any breaches or weak points in the system that prospective cybercriminals may use to corrupt or steal sensitive information.
Cyberattack simulations may continue indefinitely until a weak point is identified or until network security loses its way and reveals a flaw in the software architecture. The discoveries are subsequently sent to the appropriate parties, and the breaches are investigated and strengthened to avoid future assaults on the system. Both internal programmes and external files and software accessible on the internet for the general public are subjected to the same level of scrutiny. It may be carried out almost anywhere on the company’s servers, even those that might be utilised in cyber assaults.
What is the purpose of Penetration testing?
Penetration testing processes are the most effective method of analysing and reviewing network security measures. Any weak points in the system will be detected and brought to light, after which they will be coded and fortified to ensure that it is resilient against potential cyber assaults in the future. The organisation may also predict any damage expenses incurred if a cybercrime spirals out of control.
The results are then reviewed, and any inadequacies in the system’s security measures are found and remedied by installing more robust firewalls. Once the whole testing procedure is completed, the network’s security system is brought back online with improved defensive countermeasures ready to confront any cyber threats that may arise in the future.
When Should a Company Implement This Procedure?
- When there is a probability for a future breach to take place
- If the network security mechanisms are changed or updated
- It is necessary to reboot the network when new infrastructure or software is deployed
The following are some of the benefits of performing pen tests:
- It is necessary to improve network countermeasures capable of successfully repelling a cyber assault.
- To investigate the security networks to identify potential breaches and weak points.
- To replicate the real-time expenses of cyber theft and identify any system vulnerabilities.
- Customers’ trustworthiness will be enhanced due to the protection of their information and data.