Migraines: What They Are and How To Cope?


Migraines are a neurological condition typically characterized by excruciating headaches, nausea, and other uncomfortable side effects. They are so excruciating that they can interfere with a person’s daily routine and make even the simplest tasks completely unmanageable. Over 43 million Americans suffer from migraines in their lifetime, with 43% of women and 18% of men have had at least one migraine. Thus this severe sickness is extremely common, so people must know what they are and how to cope.


What Is A Migraine

A migraine is a headache that comes in varying intensities and is often accompanied by a sensitivity to sound and light. As a result, migraine sufferers find themselves in pain and uncomfortable if they are not in a dark and quiet room when an attack strikes. Migraines also vary in kind, which means that some come with different side effects. For example, a migraine with aura, also known as the classic migraine, is a headache that also strikes with other sensory disturbances, such as loss of sight and numbness to the legs, arms, and face. While very scary, this is also a common side effect and passes as the migraine fades away.


Know Your Triggers

Several triggers can cause a migraine, which varies from person to person. Certain foods, such as red wine, citrus, chocolate, tomatoes, and cheese, are common triggers of migraines. Similarly, stress and changes in sleep patterns can also set off a migraine attack. Knowing your triggers can be a really helpful way to avoid potential migraine and prepare yourself if one is about to come. In addition to stimuli, many warning signs will let you know that a migraine is coming. These include subtle changes to your diet, food cravings, neck stiffness, mood swings, frequent yawning, and fluid retention. Helpful bodily red flags to preempt an oncoming migraine.


How To Cope

Coping with a migraine comes in many shapes and sizes. Whether you want to take medication for the pain or whether you need to sit with a cold towel on your head, there are many ways to treat the symptoms and side effects. However, most people find they need a potent pain killer that can help with nausea and light sensitivity symptoms. An excellent medication that works fast is sumatriptan, which needs to be taken as soon as you notice a migraine. For example, as soon as you see changes in your eyesight or your head begins to hurt. It will still work later during the attack but won’t be as effective. You can find sumatriptan at Chemistclick.co.uk. Other remedies include taking rest in a calm, dark and quiet room. A Cool compress on your head can help with the painful headache. Furthermore, sipping water and ginger tea is a great way to soothe nausea.

Migraines can be excruciating and tend to disrupt your routine completely. However, knowing how they work, the triggers and the remedies can be helpful to anyone that suffers from them.