How to save data on Android with these simple tricks

tricks to save data on Android

We are in 2021 and most data rates seem insufficient for most mortals. Likewise, the different applications that require Internet use consume more and more Megabytes, causing the total of our rate to be consumed in a few days. That is why this time we have made a compilation of five tricks to save data on Android without resorting to third-party applications.

Some of the methods that we will describe below are only available for Android versions equal to or higher than Android 12 so you will have to have devices with that version to run them.

Tricks to save data on Android

Without a doubt, Android is the operating system that integrates more options and possibilities for users. Thanks to the freedom it offers us, we can perform actions that would be unthinkable in other systems. Saving data natively is one of them, and we will teach you how through five simple tricks.

Activate Google Chrome data saving

Since the latest updates to Google’s browser, the application has included a very interesting option aimed at saving data. We will only have to go to the Google Chrome Settings within the three points of the search bar and click on the Data saving option. We will activate it and immediately afterwards the browser’s data saving service will start, showing us the data saved from the activation date

Configure Android Data Saver

Android Nougat 7.0 was a paradigm shift in the green android system, we have already said it many times. One of the most practical novelties of Google’s seventh cake is the Data Saver, which we can find in the Settings application in the Data Use section. Once we have activated it, we will have to go to the Applications section and select the ones that we want to consume data in the background.

Use slower networks

It may seem counterproductive, but this is proven by various studies. The higher the connection speed, the more content we consume. That is why it is recommended to change the network type to one with a lower speed to significantly reduce the use of Android data. You can do it by following the tutorial we published a few months ago on how to change the type of network.

Use a Window VPN

There are a large number of download vpn for windows based applications. These help we save data by connecting to a server that optimizes the content we access through the Internet, in addition to guaranteeing their security. Some of the best known are Fastest VPN.

Activate data saving options for applications

Virtually every application has various options for saving data. Twitter, Spotify and WhatsApp are some examples. In Pro Android we recommend activating them in those that you have installed to reduce the consumption of data from the applications, in addition to displaying audiovisual content in lower qualities.