How to Remap PS4 Controller’s Button


Here are some steps you can apply to remap your PS4 controller,

  • First, sign in to your PS4 profile and then press the PlayStation button on the controller to access the home screen.
  • Now, press ‘Up’ on the controller to access the icons bar on the screen top, then go to settings, and press ‘X’.
  • Select the Accessibility category in settings and press ‘X’.
  • Scroll down and press ‘X’ on the ‘Button Assignments’.
  • Press ‘X’ to activate the option of ‘Enable Custom Button Assignments’.
  • Now, Press ‘X’ on ‘Customize Button Assignments’ will enable you to remap one button to another.

The left button indicates the controller’s physical button, whereas the right button indicates how the PS4 will interpret it. For example, when you press the controller’s triangle button, PS4 will interpret this as a Square button press, which then configures to function as a triangle, or you can also remap other buttons. After that, press ‘Confirm’ to save the changes and leave the screen.

PS4 enables you to remap triangle, X, Circle, Square, L1, L2, R1, R2, L3, R3 buttons, Up, Left, Down, Right sticks. Moreover, for the right and left stick, the sticks can also be swapped. You can make the directional input function of the Left stick as the right stick, or vice versa.

Do you think you can put in the work to become a professional gamer? It may seem expensive, but it isn’t. You can buy cheap hardware to upgrade your PS4 controllers. Here are five essential hardware provided by Arsenal Mod that you need to become a pro gamer in PS4,

  1. Arsenal S4 Clip Board – Ps4 Remapping

This board is for the JDM-030 and prior revision controllers (without the light bar).This chip is fully MLG compliant, simply don’t connect the triggers, and you can compete in professional tournaments.

This board is also for JDM-030and prior revision controllers (without the light bar).This chip is fully MLG compliant, which helps you to compete in professional tournaments.

  • Arsenal S4 Slim Clip Board – Programmable Ps4 Remapping

This board is for the JDM-040, JDM-050 and JDM-055 controllers (CTZ2U model with light bar).Add four extra buttons and map them to any button on your PS4 controller. You can remap 12 buttons on the controller.

  • Arsenal S4 Slim Clip Board Install Kit – Ps4 Slim Programmable Remapping

This board is also for the JDM-040, JDM-050 and JDM-055 controllers (CTZ2U model with light bar).You can also use hardwire R1, R2, L1, L2 for additional flexibility; no other remap board has this feature.

  • Arsenal S4 Static Clip Board – Ps4 Remapping

Static remap board install same as a programmable board. Simply connect the buttons to the labeled connections on the board.