How Do You Know When Heart Failure Is near the End?

How Do You Know When Heart Failure Is near the End
How Do You Know When Heart Failure Is near the End

Our heart is one of the most fascinating organs in the body. It works and pumps blood throughout the body and supplies every organ with oxygen. But when it does not work the way it should, we have a chronic condition known as heart failure. It is a long-term condition in which our heart is no longer able to pump blood well enough to meet our body’s needs. Over time, if you have not undergone treatment and made lifestyle changes, this condition may advance to the next stage, also known as end-stage heart failure. Advanced heart failure also means the treatments you’ve used to keep your health stable have not been effective.

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Failure? 

Heart failure has many symptoms; some easily confuse them with aging or other diseases. But as your condition worsens, you will likely experience drastic changes in your body.

A scientific journal suggests that 1.3 to 4.6 million people in India suffer from heart failure due to health conditions ranging from obesity and diabetes to rheumatic heart diseases. Heart failure is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in people older than 65 years.

Below mentioned are some common ways in which heart failure can affect you:

Shortness of Breath: One of the most common symptoms of heart failure is shortness of breath. It can make it difficult for you to breathe while you walk briskly, run, or try to walk up a flight of stairs. Shortness of breath, with advanced heart failure, gets even worse. You may feel out of breath in short intervals, or you may find it difficult even to sit still.

Coughing: During heart failure, your heart muscle dysfunctions due to weak contraction or stiffness. As a result, it makes the fluid built inside the body go back up in your lungs, creating a condition called pulmonary edema, which makes you cough persistently. In addition to this, your phlegm could turn slightly pink. Advanced heart failure can make your condition even worse. It can lead to painful coughing.

Fatigue: Heart failure can make you feel tired and worn out. Things that wouldn’t have tired you out in the past suddenly make you feel exhausted. You’re more likely to feel tired doing most things with advanced heart failure.

Racing Heartbeat: With heart failure, you may feel as if your heart is beating too fast or pounding too hard. This condition is called heart palpitations. When your heart fails to pump the amount of blood it should, it can try to make up for the loss by working faster than usual. In advanced heart disease, you may notice this more often or to a greater degree than before.

Sleep Problems: Heart failure can make it difficult for you to breathe while you try to sleep. You might even wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath. Instead of lying flat, people with heart failure are recommended to sleep by propping up on two or more pillows. In advanced heart failure, you’ll likely have trouble breathing when you’re even at rest. That means your bedtime problems will get worse too.

Swelling: In heart failure, as your heart is unable to circulate blood efficiently throughout the body, it can lead to a build-up of fluid in certain parts of the body resulting in swollen feet, ankles, legs, or belly. There is also a chance that you might gain weight due to the accumulation of that fluid. With advanced heart failure, you will notice more swollen body parts and experience weight gain.

Loss of appetite: It has been seen in patients with heart failure that they often do not feel hungry or eat less. Advanced heart failure can make this condition more pronounced.

Increasing Need to Urinate: People with heart failure need to use the loo more often. You might as well get up in the middle of the night to urinate. This condition is in stark contrast to the times when you were once healthy. With heart failure, your body tries its best to flush out that extra fluid. Advanced heart disease can make this situation worse. You’ll likely make frequent bathroom trips at odd times.

Feel Anxious: Heart failure can make you feel anxious. You may notice symptoms like sweating, shortness of breath, or fatigue. In the worse case, it can also lead to depression or anxiety.

Max Healthcare provides a team of experienced heart specialists and nurses to support and provide heart failure treatment to patients. Get in touch with them today to learn more about their services and expertise!

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