How Apps Evolved Dating for a Generation


The dating world has evolved in several ways including support of the LGBTQ community wholeheartedly. This evolution took decades before society approved and even embraced anything considered unorthodox.  When members of society started seeking better means of connecting to potential lovers, apps were born. These dating apps offer discreet platforms to find whatever form of relationship or sexual orientation one desires. They also allow you to create dating CVs that connect users with other like-minded people.

Generational Changes

With baby boomers, Craigslist, and other classifieds connected people seeking local hookups for a while. This changed when Craigslist could not offer enough security to its subscribers. Enter the world of dating apps with enough room to host millions of people on one website and incorporate safety features too. Upon checking out the app one enjoys and appreciates the evolution of relationships for this generation. There are several ways these apps have changed the dynamics of dating for the better.

Facilitating Hookups

Dating apps allow men and women to discreetly connect with strangers for sexual gratification. Gone are the days of hooking up in bars with total strangers who might be disease-ridden. The dating world now experiences faster connectivity with less hassle. Once you decide the type of hookup or relationship you desire, it is easy to accomplish everything on the web. Here are a few ways these apps accomplish that.

1. Profiles

Members can easily create online dating CVs or profiles for others to view. Unlike visiting bars, you don’t have to embarrass yourself by stating your needs to people in public. You are likely to get stares or worse yet, get thrown outside. The idea of relationship apps is that they provide discretion and profiles can be filled with the naughtiest information. Members can let loose with the most salacious requirements without flinching. 

2. Pool of Members

With apps, one has access to a large number of potential dates. It means, unlike bar-hopping, you can chat with and have access to what several people are offering at the tip of your fingers. Apps host members from local and international locations. Finding someone interesting can happen overnight, unlike before when emails and other correspondence would be necessary. However, despite the convenience, some individuals might experience periods of no likes on bumble, which can be a common occurrence in the world of online dating.

3. Communication

Users have access to communication tools previously a privilege of professionals and corporate workers. You can send visuals in the form of pictures and videos to people in far-off countries and receive immediate responses. This means you can set up a date with someone in Europe overnight and immediately after registration. It also means you can share or live stream physical attributes before deciding if you are a match.

4. Discretion

Communication tools boast anonymity features and safety options. Users don’t need to worry about anything private becoming public knowledge or property. Discretion begins with options to blur photos and post limited information. Additionally, you can use aliases to avoid nosey neighbors who decide to join and hopefully find you cheating. Dating apps facilitate having a life worth living and enjoying sex at will.

5. Blocking

While baby boomers had to resort to shouting, and using bouncers or family to deter losers, dating apps are more subtle. Members can report funny characters to administrators or block a member completely using the tab option. It makes life easier to simply choose who can and who cannot make contact. It is also less of a hassle and less overwhelming to use dating apps instead of visiting bars.

Bottom Line

So how did apps change dating for a generation? They made short-term, and long-term relationships and hookup opportunities easier to come by. These apps also reduced risks associated with hooking up, while bringing together like-minded people efficiently. Kudos to apps: register today and enjoy matchmaking like the rest of our generation.