Get Moving: Tips for Incorporating Exercise into Your Workday

Exercise into Your Workday

Get Moving: Tips for Incorporating Exercise into Your Workday

For many of us, the workday can be a sedentary affair. We sit at our desks for hours on end, barely getting up to stretch our legs or take a walk around the block. But did you know that there are lots of easy ways to get in some extra activity during the workday? By incorporating just a few simple changes into your daily routine, you can dramatically increase the amount of exercise you get without even breaking a sweat. Read on for some tips on how to get moving at work.

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  1. Get up and move every hour. Set a timer on your phone or computer to remind you to stand up and walk around for at least five minutes every hour. Use this time to stretch your legs, do some deep breathing, or simply walk around the office. Getting your body moving every hour will help improve your circulation and energy levels and reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office is on more than one or two floors, take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Not only is this a great way to sneak in some extra cardio, but it can also help improve your muscle strength and endurance over time.
  3. Park further away from the office. If you drive to work, park your car in the farthest spot from the entrance to the building. This will force you to walk further than usual, which can add up over time. You can also try biking or walking to work if possible; not only will this help improve your fitness level, but it’s also good for the environment!

Read: Cardio – Before or After Weight Training?

  1. Stand while you work. If you have a standing desk, make use of it! Otherwise, try standing up while you talk on the phone or doing light stretching throughout the day. Just spending a few minutes each hour out of your chair can make a big difference in your overall fitness level.

By incorporating just a few simple changes into your daily routine, you can quickly increase the amount of exercise you get during the workday without disrupting your workflow or taking away from billable hours. So, what are you waiting for? Stand up and get moving! Your mind and body will thank you for it.

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