Common Causes of Paper Jams When Printing

Paper Jams When Printing

A number of businesses use printers and printed documents extensively, and their major tasks depend upon the printer output. Whether it is about sending the information from one department to another or printing flyers or brochures for marketing purposes, everything depends on a good quality printer. When you have such printing needs, you need to ensure there are no troubles while printing.

But there are certain issues that act as a barrier when you send the print command and do not achieve your objectives. These issues halt all the other tasks, and you may not be able to print the required document on time unless the issue is fixed. The most common issue you may face when printing is the paper jams that stops you from printing. It is not just the paper quality or your inexpertise that increases these issues; there are several other reasons. Knowing these issues and the reasons behind these issues will help you improve the printing and come up with a better solution.

Keep scrolling down the article to get familiar with the common reasons and causes of paper jams when printing.

Top 6 Common Reasons for Paper Jams When Printing

Facing a paper jam once in a while is acceptable, but if you are facing these issues every time you begin printing, then it is something you need to mend. One of the most common issues that occur while printing is paper jams, and you need to know the reason behind these issues. Only knowing the reasons will help you fix these issues and improve your print quality to achieve the desired goals and objectives.

Below are a few reasons that may cause a paper jam when printing any type of document.

1. Poor quality printers

One of the most obvious reasons for paper jams while printing is that poor-quality printers create problems more often while printing. In order to minimize these issues, you must use the latest and good quality printers. If you cannot afford to have a good quality printer, you can outsource the printing service. Many people opt for printer rental Abu Dhabi services for better quality printing services without wasting their time and money.

2. Poorly inserted paper

Before you send out the print command, you must pay attention to the printing tray where you have loaded the papers. When the papers are unorganized or if two papers are stuck together, they are more likely to cause a paper jam. You need to make sure all the papers are separated and in sequence to avoid these issues. Even if any of the paper is slightly folded, you will face a paper jam halting your printing task.

3. Rollers are damaged

Printer rollers are the major components while printing, and they are responsible for getting the text printed on the paper. Mismanagement and poor handling of these result in wear and tear, and they eventually cause troubles like paper jams. Usually, the printer rollers are designed to work for a long time, but they will work longer if they are managed and maintained well.

4. Paper incompatibility

Before you print any type of document, you need to make sure what type of printer you are using and ether the paper is compatible or not. If the paper size you are using to print the document is not compatible with the printer, the paper will definitely get stuck in the printer, causing a paper jam. Moreover, you must also check that the weight of the paper you use to print is also compatible with the printer because it also creates problems.

5. Low-quality cartridges

One might think that checking the condition and compatibility of cartridges is not important to avoid paper jams, but it actually is. These cartridges are the reason the ink is sprayed onto the paper for printing, and they are a crucial part of printing. When you use low-quality or refilled cartridges, these not only result in poor printing but also damage the internal printing units. These damages usually create problems like poor spraying of the ink and, most importantly, a paper jam.

6. Poor paper quality

The quality of paper matters a lot, your print quality and the working of the printer are all dependent upon the paper quality. Using low-quality paper results in flakes which are highly problematic and create paper dust. This paper dust becomes problematic when it accumulates and jams the paper. Make sure to use good quality paper besides using a good quality printer. You can research for good quality printers and ensures quality printing results.

Improve your printing quality with print services!

If you are fed up with paper jams while printing documents for your daily needs, then you need to replace your printers to avoid such issues. Replacing it is not the only solution; having someone to operate it well is also important. This is why you must opt for xerox printing services that will not only minimize these issues but also provide you with better quality printing effortlessly.

Read more related articles on the techie knows website.