An All-Inclusive Guide to Activate Netgear Armor Subscription


Do you want to safeguard your wireless device from cyber threats by blocking known malicious websites and applications? If you are nodding your head in yes, it is recommended that you activate your Netgear Armor subscription. No idea about how to go about the process? Walk through the guidelines mentioned in this post and learn how to activate Netgear Armor subscription using different methods.

Activate Netgear Armor Subscription via Activation Code

Take the help of the highlighted steps outlined below and get to know how you can activate your Netgear Armor subscription via the activation code:

  • Switch on your computer or laptop.
  • Open an internet browser.

Note: Whether you are using Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or any other internet browser, make sure that it is running on its updated version.

  • In the address field of the internet browser, type
  • When prompted, enter your Netgear account details.
  • Click the Sign In button.
  • Select Allow.
  • Bitdefender will soon collect your profile information as well as email address.
  • The Netgear Armor portal will come into view.
  • Click the Menu icon.
  • Select My Subscriptions.
  • Click Activation Code.
  • Enter your activation code.
  • Click Activation Code again.
  • Your Netgear Armor subscription is now active.

Activate Netgear Armor Subscription via Orbi App

Another way through which you can activate Netgear Armor subscription is using the Orbi app. Here is how you can go about the process:

  • Unlock your mobile device.
  • Head over to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  • Search for the Netgear Orbi app.
  • Once found, select it from the displayed list of results.
  • Tap the Download button.
  • Wait for some time and let the application get installed.

Note: It is recommended that you do not perform any background activities on your mobile device while the Netgear Orbi application is the process of getting installed.

  • Input the default orbilogin username and password.
  • Tap the Log In button.
  • Once logged in, head over to the Security section.
  • Select Menu > Netgear Armor Subscription.
  • Click the My Subscriptions option.
  • Tap Activation Code.
  • Enter your activation code.
  • Click Activation Code again.
  • Your Netgear Armor subscription is now active.

If you follow these instructions carefully, you will surely be able to activate your Netgear Armor subscription using the login credentials.

Activate Netgear Armor Subscription via Nighthawk App

Last, but not least, you can also use the Netgear Nighthawk app to activate your Armor subscription on your wireless device. Here’s how:

  • Unlock your mobile device. Make sure that it is fully charged.
  • Search for the Netgear Nighthawk app by going to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store (depending on the device that you using).
  • Type Netgear Nighthawk app in the search bar.
  • Tap the Search icon.
  • From the displayed list of results, select Nighthawk App.
  • Tap the Download button.
  • Wait for some time and let the application get installed.
  • Input the default username and password of your Netgear Nighthawk router.

Note: If you are not certain regarding the default username and password of your Netgear wireless router, consider referring to the user manual. You will find every little detail about your device in there.

  • Tap the Log In button.
  • Once logged in, head over to the Security section.
  • Select Menu.
  • The Netgear Armor page will display.
  • Click the My Subscriptions option.
  • Tap Activation Code.
  • Enter your activation code.
  • Click Activation Code again.
  • Your Netgear Armor subscription is now active.

Summing Up

With that, we have concluded our guide on how to activate Netgear Armor Subscription using the activation code, Nighthawk app, and Orbi app. We hope that you will be able to activate the subscription using any of the aforementioned methods. If what we are hoping for comes true, do leave a word of appreciation in the comment section. We would love to know if we could be of some help.