7 Features You Need to Make Amazon Clone and Be Billion Company


Shopping applications like Amazon have won the buyer’s heart undoubtedly. Nowadays people don’t need to go outside to the market to grab their demanding things. Instead, Amazon-like shopping applications offer people the opportunity to get their desirable things delivered to their doorstep. Therefore, finding it an advantageous and profitable business many entrepreneurs are showing interest to launch their own shopping applications.

So, if you also are thinking of developing your own Amazon-like applications you must incorporate the advanced features. Remember that your shopping application must be up-to-date so that the users find it suitable to choose from. Check here for the best amazon clone websites. In this article, we will discuss the top 7 features you might not miss while developing your Amazon clone applications for your successful business. 

1. Ratings and reviews

As an eCommerce business owner, you must not be frightened to accept criticism and negative feedback. Understanding your customers’ issues will help you develop your app over time, ensuring long-term success.

Customers should be able to rate and evaluate the products featured on the marketplace as well. This is a crucial function, particularly for an online marketplace. Customers rely on product reviews from other customers to assess whether a product on your eCommerce platform is appropriate for their needs and requirements.

Your platform should also highlight both the positive and bad parts of a product review, making it easier for customers to make an informed decision.

2. Payment choices

Customers now have multiple viable options for making digital payments as a result of the emergence and evolution of the Internet. Your programme should support as many of these payment methods as possible.

Otherwise, you risk losing customers if your eCommerce application does not provide their preferred payment method. To avoid such situations, make sure your Amazon clone app has a variety of payment choices. Check here for the best Amazon clone website for your business. 

3. Push Notifications

Push notification systems are a great way to stay in touch with your customers. Designing effective push notification features is an important part of learning how to make an app like Amazon.

You can use this functionality to notify clients about discounts and ongoing deals, as well as crucial notifications about application modifications. Informing customers about sales and special offers can often result in a direct boost in income.

4. Integration of social media

Ecommerce companies are directly involved in the selling process. As a result, getting the word out about your firm and application is critical to long-term success.

Today, the fastest approach to popularity is to integrate into multiple social media sites. You should also make sure that social media accounts allow customers to log in. With one-tap access to your digital storefront, the process of signing in to your application is simplified.

Furthermore, the integration of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media websites ensures that customers can freely share discounts and offers available on your platform, encouraging new people to sign up and begin using it. As a result, eCommerce applications that do not take advantage of social media’s massive reach frequently miss out on market opportunities.

5. Wishlist

One of the most useful tools in the Amazon app is the wishlist. This method allows customers to add things to their wishlist that they are interested in. They can quickly find the desired item from this list when they want to buy or purchase it. Users frequently add products to their wishlists when they do not have the financial means to purchase them right now.

This usually happens at the end of the month, when people are running out of money. Your users can just open their wishlist on the app and find the goods they want when they have money to spare, greatly simplifying the purchasing procedure.

Aside from benefiting customers, the backend team can examine the goods on users’ wishlists to learn about their preferences and other spending behaviours. You can target certain offers and discounts that they are more inclined to spend on if you have a deeper understanding of the consumer’s behaviours and preferences.

6. Synchronization

The majority of online storefront businesses now offer desktop and mobile versions of their services. As a result, if your development team creates a fantastic update, you can use the synchronization capability to apply the good modification across your eCommerce marketplace’s mobile and desktop versions.

However, without the ability to synchronize, your engineers would have to work twice as hard to incorporate new features between the two platforms. Even then, your mobile version may get the upgrade first, leaving desktop users dissatisfied by the lack of similar functionality.

7. Checkout is quick and simple

Consumers spend the majority of their time on e-commerce sites and apps choosing the right goods for them to buy. They should be able to enjoy a simple checkout experience after spending so much time selecting the things. Complicated checkout procedures may cause you to lose some customers who are unable to return.

When designing an app like Amazon, one of the key concerns is to make the payment and checkout process as simple as possible. Adding debit or credit card information during the initial transaction is a standard approach to improve customer convenience during checkout.

The design of your Amazon clone app will determine whether it succeeds or fails. You can save money by designing the design before coding because you won’t have to make as many changes or iterations during the development process. Therefore prioritizing the design concept for the eCommerce app will also help you speed up the market validation process for your app.

Last but not least once you have launched your successful Amazon clone application, it needs to be promoted for capturing the target audience. In that case, you must run vigorous advertising campaigns and effective blogging. You also must know the strategies of your competitors to keep your application stand ahead in the market. Check here for the best Amazon clone website. 

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About The Author :-


Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He love to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development.