Usage Of Social Media Aggregator For Website

social media aggregator

Social media aggregator is a tool that provides features and functionalities to fetch a bulk amount of social media posts from social media channels. 

The social media content aggregator is a powerful tool to collect relevant social posts from different social channels in a unified manner and build strong visual appeal on marketing fronts. 

As social media’s power is continuously booming, brands and businesses are aggressively focusing on building powerful social media strategies. 

Social media aggregator helps brands to take social media marketing and strategies a step further. Hashtag campaigns, tag posts, mention posts, user-generated content, and any other type of social media content. 

Hence, social feed aggregator tools leverage huge benefits to brands and marketers in enhancing social media marketing campaigns. 

Use Cases Of Social Media Aggregator

Now you know about what is aggregating social media content and how it will boost your marketing campaigns. Here below are the usage ideas of social media aggregators that you apply to your marketing fronts. 

Collect User-Generated Content

Many social media active brands and businesses run hashtag campaigns with their branded hashtag and ask customers to post product images on social media channels using their brand tags. 

In this way, brands have created enormous amounts of free user-generated content created by their end customers. 

It is impossible to collect all the UGC social media posts or download them in a minute.

However, with Social Media feed Aggregator, you can effortlessly collect all the user-generated content from a particular hashtag, tag, handle, mention, etc., in a single click.  

Embed Social Media Feeds On Website

One of the major use cases of social media aggregator in marketing is the collection of social media feeds from single or multiple channels and embed social media feed windows onto the website.  

Embedding Social Media Feed on a website gives your visitors unique content to engage. This increases visitor’s dwell time, lowers bounce rate, improves SEO, and leverages visitor’s experience on your website. 

Boost Email Marketing Content

Email Marketing is a crucial part of marketing campaigns for every brand and business. It helps connect customers, increase brand awareness, generating leads, and developing loyal relationships with customers. 

But it is hard to achieve with a regular and same tone of voice in your Email Marketing. Hence, integrating social media content into your email marketing is an effective way to increase engagement, click-through rate, trust, and boost sales. 

Display Social Media Wall In Events

Similar to collecting and embedding Social Media Feeds to put on a website. You can use these collected Social media posts and display them on the event screen. This way of present Social Media Feeds on the Event Screen is known as the Social Media wall.

Social media walls are especially useful in increasing the engagement and participation of the audience attending your event or virtual event. 

Whether it’s a trade show, conference, concert, seminar, exhibition, wedding, or parties. Social Media Aggregator helps you collect the latest social posts in real-time, which means you will get your social wall updated with new posts.   

Social Walls help event planners or marketers to engross the attendees and offer them remarkable experiences. 

Enhance Ecommerce Store

If you own an eCommerce site or online store, you can leverage social media feeds to increase the conversion rate. Social Media Posts on your online store works as social proof like reviews or testimonials. It helps your potential customers to learn real-life pictures of your products & services. 

Using social media posts on eCommerce sites are used in a similar way to embedding social media feeds. Still, you can make them shoppable by tagging your product features in the social media image. 

With the help of social media feed aggregator tools, you can collect different social media posts to make a single feed and convert them into a shoppable gallery. It helps your website visitors can click and buy directly from the social media posts. 

Analyze Hashtag Campaign

All you know about the social media aggregator process is collecting user-generated content using the hashtag, mention, tags, keywords, or user’s handles to add to the website.

But have you wondered some deeper how amazing a tool it is to analyze your brand’s hashtag campaign?

With the help of a social hashtag feed aggregator, you can collect all hashtag posts of your brand and analyze how your fans and followers engage with your hashtag campaign.   

Final Words

I would like to conclude this article with a note that marketers need a tool or device that completely transforms their marketing efforts. 

Aggregating social media content proves to be a virtue for brands and businesses to stand apart from the competition. As your customers are already using social media platforms, think how wonderful it will be to connect them with social media posts on your marketing touchpoints. 

Don’t waste your time thinking of using user-generated social media content to promote your business. Just create a mind-blowing marketing strategy to attract, engage, and convert the audience into a potential customer by using social media aggregator.