Worried about Staff Attrition? Areas to Focus!


In today’s tremendously revolutionizing era, where customer requirements keep on changing with technological advancements, it is hard to live up to the users’ expectations. Talking about the call center industry, they need to live up to the staff expectations to maintain customer satisfaction. 

The responsibility of a company is to serve the customer. The responsibility of leadership is to serve their people so that their people may better serve the customer. If leaders fail to serve their people first, both the customer and the company will suffer.

Simon Sinek

It is a well-known fact that employees reach the customers first with the business-related services, thus their satisfaction is indispensable for optimum support. Call center services look after the partners’ customer support and other secondary responsibilities outsourced to them, it is indispensable for them to handle the employees well to avoid any risk to customer experience.

Rising attrition disputes have been a great cause of concern for the call center industry, which is why maintaining the satisfaction of the in-house staff gained a name.

At times of high call volumes, the in-house staff may get stressed handling repetitive inquiries all day. How will BPOs ensure that the call center service provider will not flee from the organization at such crucial times? Well, here is where the need for a strategic focus on the agents’ needs and satisfaction becomes important.

When the agents feel that the business thinks of them and that they receive perks working for a particular company, they tend to stay back. Therefore, as a call center company offering customer support services, introduce new ideas to help your employees with a better work environment, and help them avoid mental health issues.

Better employee health can help your business gain better results on customer satisfaction, thus employee satisfaction is integral. With employee turnover rates increasing every year at the rate of 25%-35%, maintaining customer satisfaction can be a challenge. Paying the employees isn’t the only thing, however, focusing on some other essentials is vital to avoid attrition.

Re-hiring and training are not the key, however, retaining the employees can help save capital and maintain brand image. For top-notch quality service and to ensure retention, some key objectives need consideration.

How will a business keep the staff satisfied? How can call centers consider employee needs?

Check out the ways call centers can check staff attrition:

Satisfactory Company Culture

A company’s culture plays an important role in how the agents communicate and work for the organization. If the culture is not employee-friendly, the staff may not support the service operation with patience and dedication. This is the reason why creating a strong company culture is vital.

Make your organization a place filled with positivity and a place where agents can work happily without any stress. Make an environment where employees can share ideas and can freely work without pressure. A happy working place generates better revenue, thus a strong company culture is crucial.

A well-organized culture for the organization helps to maintain work-life balance and promotes agent retention. After all, every agent wishes to work for a company that thinks of employee welfare and, therefore tries to maintain a satisfactory culture to woo agents.

Correct Distribution of Designation

Companies offering call center services need to define their employee profile ideally. Every agent has a set of expertise and a defined interest area, thus make sure to understand the staff’s interest and examine their expertise to designate a suitable task.

Retention begins when the call center service provider either dislikes her/his work profile or is not happy with the organization’s work culture. Thus, define your expectations for the potential employee first, and check your expertise before hiring. This way retaining the staff becomes easier and handling the responsibilities and meeting expectations is easy for the agent too.

A job interview can also define several objectives, thus having an adequate set of questions that can help you hire the best employee who is eager to join the profile and stay long.

The Right Plans for Employees!

What makes an agent leave a company? Well, the reason behind this can be salary issues or lack of perks that an employee may be looking for!

Since the call center environment is monotonous and demands the agents to be on their toes 24X7, thus it is equally significant to take care of staff satisfaction so that they do not leave after being frustrated from their responsibilities.

When the employees feel that their organization has an adequate health plan, break times, other plans to take care of daily necessities, plans for family care, and PF perks, they tend to stay back. Since the monotonous work environment can frustrate the team easily, companies offering call center services need to revise their plans to keep the employees happy.

Adequate plans for the staff make them satisfied and push them to work enthusiastically for business development. Re-hiring repeatedly frustrates the customer, as they have to talk to a new agent every time, thus maintaining employee satisfaction is the bridge to maintaining customer satisfaction too.


Most companies today are worried about rising attrition issues, as they have to waste a lot of time on re-hiring and training. Well, to save such expenses, start rewarding the employees for good work. Rising attrition can be the reason for some pitfalls in your service operation.

Thus, check the business shortcomings and make sure you reward and praise the agents for good work. Appreciation is a great way businesses can woo the agents’ interest and can positively push them towards better performance, thus rewarding and appreciating your agents whenever there is time.

Rewarding fills in the agents with enthusiasm and pushes them to perform better.

Appropriate Training

Most employees that re-join another company complain about the lack of training and inappropriate process handling in the previous company. Well, every call center service provider needs adequate and on-time training on the latest tools and technologies. Thus, make sure your company trains and provides an adequate technological advantage to the employees, so that they feel enthused to learn new things and meet customer requirements happily.

The market competition is growing, thus make sure your employees are happy. Keep them up-to-date so that meeting the customer needs before competitors help to gain a brand name.

Career Goals

High attrition in call centers is also because the agents do not take their BPO career as a good path. This is the reason BPOs need to keep their environment interesting and set career goals for their agents to feel motivated.

Provide promotion, give rewards for good work, and set goals, so that agents enjoy their responsibilities and find the possibility of growing with you. Not only is this but arrange an interactive session so that you can explain to them the perks that they can enjoy with you in the future and ways you will help them with a secured career and future.

“Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” –

Zig Ziglar Thanks for reading!