WhatsApp Marketing can be useful to your business

WhatsApp Marketing

The question has the answer to the query of WhatsApp marketing. Today, everything is changing rapidly. Which also includes the process and ways in which businesses were expanding in the last decade. But what changed completely are the basic, methods of promotion. 

Why use WhatsApp marketing as a method for business expansion?

Why not use WhatsApp marketing? Social media is a great place for almost all sorts of businesses now. Social applications are used for Business to Customer or business to business communications as well. Like that of Facebook,  Instagram, Twitter and obviously, the show stopper Whatsapp. Each has its own set of benefits and specialities and to be honest. Moreover, WhatsApp is one of the most used applications around the globe, that connects people in almost all the ways possible. 

Whatsapp has over a billion users around the world

More than one can actually imagine, speculate fathom and all the verbs for “assuming”. Whatsapp has monthly users of over 1.5 billion, who actively use it. Now you know the number also counts you as the one, who scrolled through WhatsApp minutes ago.  That is the extent to which people have engaged themselves and their conversations over this application. Then why not use the most downloaded messaging application for the business?  

WhatsApp marketing doesn’t have to put a hole through your wallet. 

This part makes me nostalgic to recollect the time when people in India had to pay one rupee per text message or had to fill text balances called “message card top-ups”. In order to send a small text saying” Okay” you have to pay one rupee, now imagine if that is a conversation. The message card top-up also had a limited number of messages restricted along with its expiry. Well, those days are gone with the emerging hype of Whatsapp. 

Today people can talk hours on texted that too with an unlimited number of texts and have long conversations for even days. The win-win in having it is with Whatsapp marketing, the fear of extra payment for subscription charge or membership cost doesn’t exist. Which makes the best place for all people, coming from different fragments of society. 

WhatsApp is a lot more than just sending a small text

No not just simple and old fashioned texting, but also exchanging whatever you desire to send to the contact. Pictures, Videos, document files, PDFs, Website links, Application links, Songs, audios and even recorded audios. For all the above advantages, all that you have to do is set up a profile, and save the number as a contact.  Not only that, but it offers the facility of video and audio conferencing with more than six people in a single chat room. All that you are getting for free, other than the internet investment of 0.5 gigabytes.  Now imagine how one can incorporate all these features for their WhatsApp marketing campaign? 

Setting up your own brand name for the display picture

Next is to set up the phone number and email address approval is name and display picture. Well, here you have to be original and verified for getting organic customer deals. Use your own company name for the Business account, and obviously the real logo or picture associated with your business. Whatsapp marketing is never going to work without a proper brand image and name; so do it wisely! 

WhatsApp marketing software

By texting, the auto-reverted messages are being talked off. If someone is sending a message to your WhatsApp account for the first time, then you can create an automated text message introducing your business and agenda to them. Even when you aren’t around to check to revert back to the customer, this is going to help keep the person engaged to your service. So, it is suggested to use texts that are oriented with a possible request related to your business moto. 

Setting up website URL as about status

No one actually, sees and checks the about section anymore. But, if you are creating your business account and want to have proper marketing via WhatsApp then you need to put up the official website URL on the about portion of the account. This is going to act as a help to the ones receiving texts from you for the first time.