What is the syllabus for CSIR NET Life Sciences? What are the best books to prepare for the CSIR NET Life Sciences syllabus?

CSIR NET Life Sciences

Commonly known as The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), arrange CSIR-UGC NET. This exam is taken for selection of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship/Assistant Professor in the colleges and universities of India.

The candidates clearing the exam can only be the faculty for teaching science and technology. This exam is done twice a year, June and December. It is one of the prestigious examinations meant for aspirants who are eager to do research on subjects or want to work as assistant professors. Let’s discuss the detailed syllabus for CSIR NET life science and the best books to prepare for the same.

Syllabus for CSIR NET life science: – 

Here is a detail of the CSIR NET syllabus that you should know about if you are preparing for the examination. You can refer to BYJU’s Exam Prep to get detailed topic-wise preparation tips.

Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to BiologyInheritance Biology
Cellular OrganizationDiversity of Life Forms
Fundamental ProcessesEcological Principles
Cell Communication and Cell SignalingEvolution and Behavior
Developmental BiologyApplied Biology
System Physiology – PlantMethods in Biology
System Physiology – Animal 

Best books to prepare for the CSIR NET Life science: – 

Here are some of the best books that you can consult when appearing for the CSIR NET examination.

  • UNIT NAME: – Molecules and their Interaction Relevant To biology
  1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry- David L. Nelson and Michale M. Cox
  2. Principles of Biochemistry – Voet, Pratt, and Voet
  3. ENZYMES: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry, 2/E – Trevor Palmer and Philip Bonner
  4. Plant Biochemistry by Walter
  5. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of plants by Bob Buchanan
  • UNIT NAME: – Cellular Organization
  1. Molecular Cell Biology: International Edition – Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh, Angelika Amon, and Matthew P. Scott Lewin’s Genes- Jocelyn Krebs, Elliott Goldstein, Stephen Kilpatrick
  2. Cell And Molecular Biology / 8th Edition. – Robertis De
  3. Molecular Biology of the Gene – James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, Alexander Gann, Michael Levine, and Richard Losick
  4. Theory and problems of Molecular and Cell Biology by Stansfield
  5. The Cell: A Molecular Approach – Geoffrey M. Cooper
  • UNIT NAME: – Fundamental Processes
  1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry- Nelson, and Cox
  2. Molecular Biology of the Gene- James D. Watson
  3. Lewin’s Genes- Jocelyn Krebs, Elliott Goldstein, Stephen Kilpatrick
  • UNIT NAME: – Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
  1. Microbiology- L.M. Prescott
  2. Molecular Cell Biology- Lodish
  3. Kuby Immunology- Owen, Punt, Stanford,7th Edition
  4. Essential Immunology – Ivan M. Roitt | Roitt’s Essential Immunology: Includes Desktop Edition – Peter J. Delves, Seamus J. Martin, Dennis R. Burton, Ivan M. Roitt
  5. Immunology (Instant notes) by Lydyard
  • UNIT NAME: – Developmental Biology
  1. Developmental Biology – Scott F. Gilbert
  2. Molecular Cell Biology- Lodish
  3. Principles of Development 5e – Lewis Wolpert
  • UNIT NAME: – System Physiology – Plant

1. Plants Physiology – Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger

2. Plant Physiology – Ross and Salisbury

3. Plant Breeding Principles and Methods by B.D. Singh

4. Plant Biology (Instant Notes) by Lack and Evans

5. Plant Pathology by Agrios

  • UNIT NAME: – System Physiology – Animal
  1. Review of Medical Physiology Ganongs-Kim E. Barrett
  2. Essentials of Animal Physiology – Rastogi
  3. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora and Bryan H. Derrickson
  4. Schaums Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Third Edition (Schaums Outline Series)
  5. Principles of Animal Physiology by Christopher D. Moyes and Patricia M. Schulte
  • UNIT NAME: – Inheritance Biology
  1. Principles of Genetics- D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons
  2. Principles of Genetics- Robert H. Tamrin
  3. Genetics: Principles and Analysis – Daniel L. Hartl and Elizabeth W. Jone
  4. Genetics – BD Singh
  5. Concept of Genetics by William S. Klug
  • UNIT NAME: – Diversity of Life Forms
  1. Biology- Raven Johnson
  2. Campbell Biology
  • UNIT NAME: – Ecological Principles
  1. Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution, and Ecology-PS Verma and VK Agrawal
  2. Basic Ecology: Fundamentals of Ecology – Eugene P. Odum
  3. Ecology and Environment – PD Sharma
  4. Ecology: Principles and Applications – JL Chapman and MJ Reiss
  5. Elements of Ecology by Smith & Smith
  • UNIT NAME: – Evolution and Behavior
  1. Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution, and Ecology-PS Verma and VK Agrawal
  2. Evolution by Futuyma
  3. Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) – Veer Bala Rastogi
  4. Evolution by Strickberger
  5. Theory of Evolution by Dawkins & Maynard
  • UNIT NAME: – Applied Biology

1. Plant Breeding Principles & Methods – 2015 – B.D. Singh

2. Genomes 3 – T.A. Brown

3. Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture – Razdan MK

4. Principles of Fermentation Technology by Stanbury

5. Environmental Biotechnology by Evans & Furlong

  • UNIT NAME: – Methods in Biology
  1. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics-S.B. Primrose and R.M. Twyman
  2. Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology- Wilson and Walker
  3. Fundamentals and Techniques of Biophysics and Molecular Biology- Pranav Kumar
  4. Biophysical Chemistry (Principles and Techniques) By Upadhyay.

Other Recommended books are: –  

  • CSIR-UGC NET Life Science by Ashish Nagesh, Quaisher J. Hossain
  • CSIR NET Life Sciences Books (Vol I) by Dr. Poonam Sharma
  • CSIR-JRF-NET: Life Sciences Fundamentals and Practice Part 1 & Part 2 by Pranav Kumar
  • Trueman’s CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences
  • CSIR-NET JRF Fundamentals of Life Sciences Vol- I and Volume II by Rupendra Singh

Some Important Tips for Selecting CSIR NET Books

When preparing for the CSIR NET examination, it is important that you consult some of the best books. Listed below are some of the best books that should consult.

  • Choose the books From the Popular author:

  Choose the books that are written by popular authors or from popular publishing houses. The reason behind it is, through these books, you can get accurate and knowledgeable information. This helps to prepare well for the exam.

  • Compare 2-3 books:

While preparing for the exam, compare the topics and contain within 2-3 books. This helps you to get knowledgeable information. 

  • Previous Year Papers: 

Only preparing from these books will not help you to qualify for the exam. With these books, you have to practice previous year’s question papers available at BYJU’s Exam Prep. This will help you to find your weakness and strength. Then you can work on your weakness accordingly.

These are some books on CSIR NET, which help you qualify for the exam. In addition, you can take help from the syllabus and consult these books for clearing the exam.