Website Navigation Mistakes You Need to Watch Out For

Website Navigation Mistakes You Need to Watch Out For

Website navigation is one of the most critical points that define the user experience. The navigation guides the way to the users across various main and subpages of the website. Smooth website navigation gives confidence to the users about exploring the site and reaching the valuable information they might be searching for.

Not all website developers understand the importance and value of smooth navigation. Therefore, the websites developed by amateurs often have serious navigation issues that repel the users instead of attracting more user traffic. Even if you are not a website developer but a business person, who wants to get a personal website, you must be aware of the common website navigation mistakes so you can ensure that some amateur is not trying to mess with you.

Keep scrolling down this article to explore website navigation mistakes you need to watch out for, providing a better user experience to the people landing on your website.

Top 7 Website Navigation Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

There are numerous points one needs to keep in mind while getting a website and smooth navigation is the most important out of them. Just like a compass and map are essential for going on a trek, smooth navigation is necessary to explore the website without feeling lost. Websites with poor navigation fail to provide a commendable user experience, which you will never want for your site.

Here are some of the most critical website navigation mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

Ignoring Convention

There are more than a billion websites on the internet. No matter how unique your niche is, there will be at least a hundred and, if not a thousand, competitive websites. In the struggle of standing out from competitors, you cannot ignore conventions. A lot of people hire the service of a web development company in Dubai to let the professional develop an attractive site without forgoing convention and style.

Misusing Dropdown Menu

The next website navigation mistake you need to watch out for is misusing the dropdown menus. Some people find them helpful as they provide insight into the detailed structure of the website. However, the modern users find them annoying as they can overview all the details fast with their eyes and clicking the mouse over the drop-down menus only slower their speed.

Non-Specific Labels

The main purpose and idea behind using website navigation are to provide complete knowledge to the users in a single glance. However, some websites utilize nonspecific and generic labels like “services”, which does not give detailed insight. The user might not want to explore the option of services, so you need to use the specific label to make navigation smooth and your site more attractive.

Too Many or Wrong Options

One of the gravest mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs is sharing too many and wrong options. The website navigation is like the table of content. So, it is okay if you share the main pages in the navigation. You do not need to share all the smaller points and subheadings of some chapter in the table of contents, and the same is applicable to website navigation.

Button Based Navigation

One of the most annoying navigation mistakes is button-based navigation. The button-based navigation is the one that only operates after pressing the specific buttons. The buttons also take a longer time to load, due to which the users have to move quite slowly. So, you need to adopt the navigation style, which is quick and speedy enough not to annoy the users.

Dead Ends

Another critical navigation mistake that you might end up committing is including dead ends. Dead ends mean that there is nothing to explore on the bottom of your website, and it is blank. Some users have the habit of scrolling down to the bottom and check the information shared there. The section can include testimonials, contact information, blogs etc. However, if your website has a dead end, it will significantly disappoint the users.

False Bottom

Lastly, the most critical navigation mistake you need to avoid at all costs is feigning false bottom. At times, the graphics or pictures are used in the content in such a way that the users think they have reached the bottom of the site when it is not so. It causes irritation as well as increases the bounce rate, so you need to avoid it. You can hire a web development company and hand over the responsibility to a professional only to get a perfect website with smooth navigation.

Hand Over the Job to An Expert to Avoid Critical Website Navigation Mistakes!

You can get amateurs to develop your website. However, it might not be attractive and earn enough user traffic. So, contact SpiralClick for website development and ensure getting a more attractive website with smoother navigation.