Top Five Communities Which Tried To Copy F95zone and Failed


The formula of recreating something which has already emerged as a huge success often works out fine for many, but this time we will be taking a look at some of the failed ventures which tried to replicate the success of F95ZONE. So without wasting any more time, let’s just jump right into it.


One of the most important things that gaming community developers must understand before working on any project is that they should make it as simple as possible and as full of features as it can be made. The reason why that works in the favor of the community is that it gives the users an amazing experience and they would feel more attached to the community. The Rocket League failed to deliver on that front and despite being a great space, it could not replicate the success of F95ZONE. Many gaming experts consider this gaming community one of the most entertaining places to be at, but the fact that it tried to copy what F95ZONE had successfully managed to pull off turned the tides against it. However, you can give it a try if you want to have some fun and for a change.


This gaming community had a lot of potentials and a lot of people believed that it was going to take over the gaming world by storm. It did manage to create some waves, but unfortunately, it could not manage to last for a long time. Upon the initial success, the platform saw a steep decline in the number of its users, and it got registered as yet another failed attempt to mimic the success of F95ZONE. The lovers of this game still enjoy their time in this space, but that is not going to help this platform grow in any significant manner.


Team Fortress 2 is a video game that was developed with an intent to grow as a gaming community wherein people would interact with their gaming buddies in a fun environment, but that did not happen as the gravitas of F95ZONE was too strong to defy. Hence, it just became yet another name in the long list of gaming communities that tried to replicate the success of F95ZONE. Of course, there are other reasons as to why the game failed to create long-lasting magic, but more will be explained about that some other day.


Gamejolt was meant to be one of the best gaming communities on the internet, but it could not happen because it simply lacked the features which made F95ZONE the humongous success that it is today. There are plenty of reasons which explain the failure of this community, but that is something which can be discussed later.

ITCH.IO is yet another example of what happens when you try to recreate something as good as F95ZONE and fail miserably. Saying anything more about it than this would be just a wastage of your time and energy.

You may try these for yourself and share with us what you think about these communities. Also, keep an eye on this space for more long-lasting amazing content.

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