Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Follow in 2021

Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Follow in 2021

2020 has wreaked havoc around the globe, and finally, we have given good riddance to this year and are welcoming new beginnings. We are overcoming the impacts of the pandemic and so do the businesses. It’s been a tough year for the businesses, and the only industries that remain intact were healthcare, pharmaceutical, and essentials related. 

However, digital marketing helped many businesses to make it through tough times. But, it’s time to recover and thrive your business. Earlier, the ultimate focus of businesses was survival. But, now it’s time to catalyze the growth rate and optimize the lag in recent times. 

However, your pre-pandemic digital marketing strategy won’t work anymore, the pandemic has changed everything, and now you have to understand the new trends to run your business successfully.

So, let’s discuss the top seven digital marketing trends that you have to follow in 2021 to make your online business thrive. 

Define Your Business Purpose

The businesses that have a clear vision of their purpose don’t let uncertain times disturb their business. Many businesses defined and highlighted their purpose to grab the customer’s attention. 

Businesses made their contribution by donating their business products to the needy ones. Like Nike, they donated their shoes to the health workers. Similarly, other shoe brands also donated sneakers to health workers to give them comfortable footwear to work consistently. 

Some businesses helped the infected families to get over from the unfortunate times. Organizations like Moz gave their premium courses free to show their contribution and convey that we are in this together. These selfless actions showed the human side of big corporates or brands, and their customers stuck to them. 

Marketers and business owners are getting inspired by these and implementing them to boost their brand image and earn the business.

Agile Marketing

COVID-19 has tested the marketers’ agility because things were changing and worsening day by day. Marketers & business owners need to make the right decisions accordingly to continue having a substantial business or at least improving their brand authority. Now, business owners or marketing experts have to maintain this agility to make the best suitable actions at the right time, giving you the most efficient growth. The agile marketing strategy tracks tiny changes in the trends and makes the appropriate strategy changes to have the potential results. Hence, agile marketing is the new marketing trend, and business marketing should have it in 2021 to gain potential business outcomes.

Building Customer Trust

People become super conscious after the pandemic, and brands have to earn their trust to get their conversions. Ecommerce businesses that ensured the utmost safety and won the customer trust had steep growth even in the pandemic.

You have to continue building customer trust to increase your brand loyalty and earn new customers to emphasize your online business growth.

People became super picky, and you have to earn more customer trust in 2021 to drive exceptional results.

Humanizing Brand 

Being business-minded won’t help you in 2021. It was clearly witnessed during the pandemic that the businesses who showed empathy and support to the customers had better performance. Humans have emotions, and if your brand manages to build a relationship with them and establish empathy, you’ll be able to give them the things they want or the way they want. Hence, you need to humanize your brand more and understand your customers in 2021 to grow your online business. Consider the customer intent in your digital marketing strategy 2021 and make it more empathizing to have fruitful results.

OTT Advertising

People were staying in homes, and all the means of outdoor entertainment were closed. This bloomed the OTT platforms, and the traffic of prominent platforms has spiked. As people only had social media platforms and OTTs for entertainment, which increased user engagement on both.

This change in user behavior will persist, and that’s why marketers are intrigued to invest in OTT advertising. The audience of these platforms is huge, and advertising on the prominent OTTs like Hulu, Outsidetv, tubi, newsy, cheddar, etc., is the prominent focus of marketers to generate significant business.

Hence, if your customers engage in OTTs, you must add the OTT advertising in your digital marketing 2021.

Social Media Shopping

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram evolved during the pandemic and became the new prominent places where people shop. Facebook has a marketplace, and Instagram turned every format into shoppable, like reels and posts. 

People have a huge influence on social media, and their shopping behavior is leaning towards social media shops. Hence, you have to consider this new way of shopping and make your social media shops to boost your brand sales in 2021.

Voice Search

Voice search is inevitable, and it’s growing day by day. The total share of voice search in total search is reserving more area and will become the giant soon. You can see various technologies like Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortona, Siri, etc. Voice search eases the web’s surfing, and that’s the reason behind the considerable shift to voice search.

Hence, if you want to continue having the most business in the market, you must be prepared for the voice search. You should optimize your online business for voice search to secure the top rankings and drive the most traffic to your business website. 

Hence, add voice search optimization in your digital marketing strategy for 2021 to have the most traffic and conversion, consequently. 

These are the top 7 digital marketing trends to follow in 2021. If you consider these trends, you’ll have steep business growth and become the market leader. The pandemic has changed the way you market your business, and now these digital marketing channels will help you thrive in 2021.

For making the best performing digital marketing strategy for your business, you can reach out to a digital marketing agency to have exceptional growth.

To know more about upcoming marketing trends read this:
Digital Marketing Trends That You Cannot Ignore