The Art of Split Testing – A/B Testing


The Art of Split Testing - A/B TestingSplit testing is another name for A/B testing, and it’s a priority of every good Google Ads agency. To determine which variant of an application excels in terms of customer experience, leads, conversions, or any other XYZ goal, we create and compare two variants of the application. The variant that performs better is ultimately retained.

The problem with adding new features to a website is that you never really know how they will perform; they could either significantly increase or decrease your profits.

A User Experience (UX) designer’s expertise is essential for identifying feature recommendations that are likely to succeed. It would frequently adhere to UX best practices or design patterns that had been successful in prior contexts that were comparable.

However, the A/B test, which simulates a real-world situation, can never be beaten.

With actual clients, the A/B test measures performance in real time. It provides the most accurate prediction of what would occur if you randomly sample populations A and B, provided it is executed and without bias.

How Does A/B Testing Work?

1. Identify the Problems That Customers are Having

A/B or split tests are helpful because customers might only be aware of their particular pain points once they experience them. Customers might rave about your prices. But when you split-test your checkout page or sign-up form, you discover that the higher delivery price negates this effect. You now know that the delivery cost may be just as high as the cost of the actual product.

Boost conversions from current clients. Increasing website traffic can be complicated. But you can improve the traffic you already have by doing so. A/B tests assist you in making more effective marketing messaging decisions so you can capitalise on the clients you are already bringing in.

2. An Increase in User Engagement

The title of the article or subject line, images, call-to-action (CTA) forms and language, design, fonts, and colours are some examples of page, app, ad, or email elements that can be A/B tested. Testing each modification separately will reveal which impacted users’ behaviour and attitude and which did not. The user experience will be enhanced by implementing the winning changes, ultimately optimising it for success.

3. Better Content

For instance, users must be shown a list of possible upgrades when testing ad copy. These lists’ creation, consideration, and evaluation alone eliminate ineffective language and improve the usability for users.

4. Bounce Rates

A/B testing identifies the combination of components that keeps users on a website or app for an extended period. The longer visitors stay on the website, the more likely it is that they will recognize the importance of the content and make a purchase.

5. Test Everything

The most common elements for A/B testing and reviewing are forms, images, and text, but any component of a page or app can be changed and tested. If these factors are not tested, they might never fully understand how they impact user engagement and conversions.


In marketing and advertising, very little is free, but A/B testing has proven to be one of the most economical solutions. You can apply the understanding and information you acquire about your audience’s choices to all aspects of the content you create.