Table of Contents
What do you need to know for someone who decided to make an application?
It happens that the customer is not ready to immediately start developing applications for both platforms: he does not have money, resources, or time. Then he is faced with a choice: where to start to pay off faster and continue working on the project? Here are four criteria to consider when choosing.
1. Where is your target audience?
Android relies on the masses, which is why it has great success in emerging markets such as Asia, Africa, and South America. iOS is targeted at premium users and markets such as North America and Western Europe.
Equally important is who your target audience is. When we developed the Global Truck Service app for truck drivers, we focused on Android, because drivers have almost no iPhones.
2. How do you want to make money?
Which app monetization strategy have you chosen? In-app purchases or ads? IOS app purchases generate 45% more revenue per user than Android.
The purchasing power of Apple users is nearly five times that of Android users.
3. Will you sell products on a mobile app?
According to statistics, iOS users are more likely to buy from smartphones. This is done by 23% of users, while on Android – only 17% of users.
4. Which application is cheaper to make?
Typically, developing an app for Android costs a little more than for iOS. But it all depends on the development studio you have chosen.
Our mobile app development company Los Angeles makes an application for iOS cheaper because the fleet of devices is smaller, and it is cheaper to test. However, iOS developers are about 20% more expensive than Android specialists.
If you are still not sure which platform to choose and whether you need to create a new service at all, we recommend starting with MVP.
What Is MVP and Why Is It Needed
Any business starts with an idea?
Sometimes an entrepreneur learns that customers don’t need an app after it’s ready. MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a minimum viable product that helps to test a hypothesis.
What does MVP look like?
MVP is a working application with a simple design. It lacks all the features. Such an application is based on a kill feature – the main function – which reflects the idea of the application and solves the main problem of the client.
Why do you need an MVP?
Making an MVP is the best way to quickly check what the market needs (or doesn’t need).
MVP allows you to get a clear idea of how your customers feel about your application. If you understand from the reviews that the application is necessary, then you can invest in a full version with other functions and a beautiful design without huge risks. If users say that the application does not solve their problems, you will stop in time and will not waste money.
How do we make MVP?
We determine what the main functions should be in the application. For example, for an online store, it will be a catalog and a payment system – you can already sell with them. For a learning application, MVP is based on an algorithm for acquiring new knowledge and consuming content.
How to make an MVP from scratch?
If there are several main functions, you can divide the MVP into parts that can exist independently of each other and be useful. In the future, you can refine each of them and release the application to the market in parts.
Start with Android if you want to reach as many users as possible, plan to make money through advertising, don’t make an app for retail, and are ready to spend a little more on development.
Start with iOS if you’re betting on higher income users and in-app purchases, or plan to sell products on a mobile web store and want to save some development costs.
When in doubt, go for an MVP. This will allow you to quickly get to market by releasing a tested product without bugs. We recommend doing MVP to everyone, regardless of the business area and type of application.
To help those who have decided to create their mobile service, we have written a book “Mobile Application for Business: What a Customer Should Know”. In it, we tried to give answers to the most frequent questions that customers asked us. There are no vague tips from the “How to Make an Application: Three Easy Steps” series in this book. However, there is the experience gained by WINFOX for more than five years of work in the mobile development market, examples from practice, and an action guide.