How To Create A Tech Blog And Keep Readers Informed

Tech Blog

Are you a techie? Do you have a passion for technology who has discovered a love for creating blogs about technology? Perhaps it’s time to begin creating your own blog about technology. If you’re not sure of how to go about it then you’ve found the perfect spot. Let’s look at the steps required to set up your own tech blog.

Technology is constantly growing. In the technological world that we live in technology is constantly evolving. innovations are taking place every day. If you’re a geek and always wanted to have an online platform to blog about technology, the tutorial below will guide you through the whole procedure.

Let’s take a look together. Follow these steps in the way they’re laid out and you’ll be able to get a blog on technology up and up and running within a matter of minutes.

What you need for Build an IT Blog

Before you begin your website design before you begin, you must put a few things in place prior to starting. I’ve discovered that the best way to determine what you need to do is prepare a list. If you already have a checklist, great! If you don’t, here are some ideas of what you’d like to be able to put together your own tech-related blog.

DNS Name as well Web Host

Once you have your website’s checklist now is the time to register your preferred domain and locate hosting. Naturally, you’ll need the domain name you first choose. But, it is possible that it is possible that you won’t be able to obtain your first choice because it might already be in use.

If this is the case, play around with the terms a bit and see if you are able to create something that you like and can find. If that fails try an alternative Domain name extension. There are a lot of extensions available that you’ll be able to locate one you like.

Now is the time to sign up for web hosting. You need to find a web hosting service which gives you everything you need to create your own tech blog and up and running. We provide you with everything you need to start your site and provide the highest level of customer service could possibly provide.

In addition, you could obtain your domain name from us, since we are an registrar of domain names also. This means that everything is one location, making the process even simpler.

Installation and Utilizing WordPress

At the moment, you will be able to get your own domain registered and web hosting. When you login onto the account on your account at cPanel account, you’ll be presented with a variety of CMS options to select from. I would recommend WordPress for use as the CMS for building your blog about technology. There are several reasons.

The first and most important thing is that WordPress is extremely user-friendly. Because the platform can be described as free to use many developers are contributing to the project. It is a very well-known platform which means that you don’t need to go far to find tutorials or other resources that can help you with anything you require.

WordPress can be considered a secure platform. You can certainly do other things to make sure that your website is safe with WordPress however, WordPress itself has been built upon solid code and is extremely secure.

And lastly, WordPress is very easy to install. It is possible to install it using a variety of ways. Within Your cPanel there is a possibility it possible to install WordPress using the simple one-click installation process. If you’d rather installing WordPress manually too.

Whatever way you choose, you’re on the right track and looking to pick an appropriate theme and a few plugins to create your brand new technology blog.

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Selecting a Theme and Plugins


There are many amazing WordPress themes to choose from. A lot of them come with everything you require to build websites that are technologically advanced and to have an effective website.

However you might want to look for an appropriate theme specifically for the niche site that you’re creating. In this instance it is important to choose the WordPress theme that can help to build a tech-related blog.

The same is true for plugins. Although there’s an extensive list of plugins every website needs You should also look for some blog-specific plugins that could be ideal for your site.

Here are some plugin and theme suggestions to consider if you have trouble finding something that you enjoy.

Avada Tech Forum

The Avada theme is among of the most well-known WordPress themes on the market. It’s a multi-purpose theme that permits users to create any kind of site you’d like to. It is a unique Avada theme that is named “Tech Forum.” It gives you everything you require to make an impressive tech blog.


The Newspaper themetheme is yet another all-purpose WordPress theme that gives you all the tools that are needed to create a high-quality tech-oriented blog. With an array of layout styles, widget spaces social capabilities, as well as pages, Newspaper is ready to assist you in building the site that you have always wanted.

Post Snippets

Many tech bloggers encounter situations where they must display code snippets, shortcodes as well as other forms of content that is reused. That’s where it is that the Post Snippets plugin comes in useful. A must-have for every technology site, this plug-in lets users to create and define fragments in a library and then add them to your blog whenever required.


The majority of tech websites will have lots of content available on them. There’s no reason why yours shouldn’t be full of content, too. You need to ensure that you’ve got a system in place to safeguard your content that you’ve created. This is the point where UpDraftPlus is available. It makes backups of websites and restoration a simple and straightforward procedure. Be sure to include it in your blog about technology.

Marketing Your Tech Blog

Once you have your technical log in place It’s time to begin putting your name known. You might be aware of how to promote your blog’s tech content, but you might not. If you’re having difficulty with marketing, here are a few ideas for you to take into consideration.

  • Social Media
  • Run Ads
  • Blast Content Everyday
  • Create Share buttons with Social Share Buttons
  • Create the Email List
  • Guest Post on other Tech Websites
  • Let Guest Posts be posted on Your Website


Tech blogs are popping up across the Internet this is your perfect time to get involved in the mix and start your own. Being a tech blogger might be a goal you thought about at some point however, with this guide you can turn your dream come true.