Earn money from home using mobile, with referral rewards programs


People look for additional income to meet their expenses. Today, online earning apps are available to help earn extra money. Bank referral reward programs are an effective way to make money from home.

Though there are several referral apps available, it is not easy to find the right app that you can trust. One of such referral program apps is the MyFIRST Partner loan referral app from IDFC FIRST Bank helps people by providing opportunities to work from home without any investments. The main objective of this app is to utilize the contacts of the referral partner for the promotion of loans.

When a trusted friend or relative suggests a personal loan offer, that will influence you more than any marketing technique. For this reason, the referral loan app uses word-of-mouth marketing techniques and promotes its product. The IDFC FIRST Bank referral app helps you earn money using your contacts. You can help your friend, relative, or colleague to get a loan with low interest. Once the loan amount is sanctioned, you will get rewards as money for the referral.

The reward is fixed per referral and paid every fortnight. Therefore, you can earn money online through your mobile by downloading the IDFC FIRST Bank MyFIRST Partner referral loan app.

How to become the partner of the IDFC FIRST Bank’s MyFIRST Partner referral loan app? 

To become a referral partner, you must follow the below-mentioned steps.

  1. Register yourself with the app

You do not need investments to become a referral partner of IDFC FIRST Bank’s MyFIRST Partner referral loan app. All you need is to download the app and register with the app. If you are an account holder of the bank, you can register with the app by providing details such as A photo of yours

  • Address Proof
  • Address Details
  • ID proof or Aadhar Card
  • KYF Details

You should upload scanned copies of documents, and you will get an OTP on your registered mobile for verification. Once you verify the OTP, you will become a referral partner. Immediately you can start earning money through mobile by referring people.

  1. Help get a loan and earn money

Word-of-mouth marketing is the technique hidden behind the referral program. To become successful, approach your trusted friend, colleague, or neighbor with the best personal loan offers and help your people to get personal loans successfully. It will help you gain clients and money through the app.

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  1. Check the eligibility requirement of your customer

 To get 100 percent success in the program, you should ensure the eligibility and repaying capacity of the people you refer. Check the required document before applying for a loan through your log-in. It will help you gain the trust of your customers and the bank.

  1. Follow up on loan application status regularly 

Feedbacks and updates are essential to building trust in your customer. You can check the status of your customer through your log-in. It will make it easy to update your customer about their loan application status in real-time.

  1. Get money for each successful referral

The referral rewards program is the best opportunity to earn money online without any investment. Get high-quality referrals by sharing great customer experiences with your friends and relatives through casual conversation.

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