Digital Marketing Trends That You Cannot Ignore

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing is growing at a fast pace and with each year passing by it brings us new trends and strategies to handle marketing challenges. There was a time when artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing, and voice-search engine optimization were impressive ideas. Today, these digital marketing trends are one of the top priorities for most business owners.

And why it won’t be? After all, if your business wants to be competitive in today’s online world, you must adapt to the fast-evolving changes taking place in the online advertising world.

It will not be unethical to say that the companies that do not follow the new digital marketing trends are unable to achieve their targets. On the contrary, those who love to explore new strategies put themselves in a good position to win the competition. If you too want your business to win the competition, then here are some of the top digital marketing trends that you cannot ignore. You can also visit Online marketing courses in Bangalore and learn more about Online Advertising

Nowadays, we sleep in a time when marketing technology moves fast, and customer’s behaviors and interests are hard to guess. Those days are gone when marketers used those same old methods and made guesses. Now, with the most innovative artificial intelligence technology making a huge impact at the user level, the next big thing of digital marketing is waiting to be discovered.

That is the reason why you must keep an eye on the digital marketing trends and look out for predictions that can give you a benefit. Here, we will be discussing the top digital marketing trends that should not be ignored.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the most trending and highly in-demand technology. It plays an important role not only in business development but in our regular life too. If you have not heard about it, 2020 is the year when tons of people started taking Artificial Intelligence seriously. Within the future, it is expected to be at the heart of the worldwide industry and business- and it is already taking on many jobs. Artificial Intelligence will identify trends in quest and customer behavior.

Chatbots is one of the exciting examples of AI. MasterCard created a Facebook Messenger bot that makes use of tongue processing software to decode what the consumer wants and respond just like a true person- to automate managing payments. Soon, we also see Artificial Intelligence will drive behind many services and, presently, we already see it implemented in several areas including:

  • Product recommendations
  • Basic communication
  • Email personalization
  • Content development
  • Ecommerce deals

Businesses that adopted AI in 2020 reduced staffing costs and enhanced growth, achieving a foothold over their competitors.

2. Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising signifies using Artificial Intelligence to automate ad buying so that you can focus on more specific customers. Real-time bidding, for instance, is a kind of programmatic ad buying. This automation is much fast and efficient, which means a high conversion rate and low customer acquisition expenses.

3. Consider Interactive Videos

Video marketing is one of today’s, if not one the most important marketing phenomenon, and surely for 5 to 10 years to come. The below-mentioned things show the significance of including video into your marketing strategies for 2020.

  • 70% of customers say that they need to be shared a video of a brand
  • 72% of brands say that video has improved their conversion rate more than text content
  • 52% of purchasers say that seeing product videos makes them feel more confident to buy online
  • 65% of executives visit the website of the marketer and 39% contact a seller after seeing the video

One of the major problems that most marketers have faced in recent years is the move to mobile devices. Those long sales pages and emails of the past are fading away as they are too hard to read on devices with small screens. However, video can offer the same information in a format that perfectly works no matter whatever is the device.

4. Conversational Marketing

With all that discussion about chatbots, the reality of modern marketing becomes clear; it has become more conversational. People like it that way, and that is why brands are reacting. When customers have a question, about 82% of them want a fast response.

This sort of marketing facilitates a one-to-one, real-time connection between customers and marketers:

Unlike traditional strategies, this type of marketing is available in different channels, letting brands to meet consumers on their terms: on the devices, tie, and platforms that suit them the best. Finally, the primary objective of conversational marketing is to improve the user experience through a feedback-driven model that promotes higher engagement and great loyalty.

5. Invest in Instagram and Facebook Ads

There is an uptrend in the usage of paid social media ads by famous brands, mainly to Instagram and Facebook. Most of the marketers prefer two networks when compared to other platforms. Also, it is observed by experts that Instagram and Facebook get more responses when compared to other social media platforms.

It lets you use customer lifetime value which allows you to focus on consumers who are prepared to convert, and this can be a reason why marketers prefer it the most. Also, you must be knowing that Instagram and Facebook have similar features and benefits as Instagram is a company managed by Facebook.

Also, another reason is that Instagram and Facebook have more than 3 billion monthly active users between them and is one of the main reasons why marketers nowadays prefer these platforms to other social media platforms.

6. Chatbots

 Chatbots have also played an important role in digital marketing. This is based on Artificial Intelligence Technology that uses instant messaging to talk in real-time, no matter day or night, together with your site visitors or customers. (Chatbots for conversion game) Reports show that:

  • Chatbots will power about 85% of customer service
  • The major advantages of chatbots are 24-hour service, immediate response to inquiries, and replies to simple questions.
  • 63% of respondents choose to message a web chatbot to speak with a brand or business
  • By 2022, chatbots will help businesses save more than $8 billion once a year

Several customers favor networking with chatbots as they are responsive 24/7. Give replies promptly, precisely recall your entire purchasing history, and never lose acceptance. These virtual assistants provide outstanding customer service by meeting customers’ expectations and automating repetitive tasks- which indicates that you simply can focus on more significant work.

7. Social Messaging Integration

Do you know that by 2021, the number of Facebook Messenger users is expected to reach around 2.48 billion users? Marketers are aware of this fact. It is expected that companies will use these platforms to communicate with their clients and all their communications will be recorded. With this, the relationship between the customer and the brand will become quite personal. This signifies that the customers of 2020 will be able to get the right products and services that they are looking for.

 Future of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is continuously evolving with new technologies and insights into customer behavior appearing repeatedly. By applying these trends, you can stay ahead of this curve and place your business in the right position. For anyone in digital marketing, change is important. You must look ahead and strove to embrace new strategies and tools to gain an edge over your competitors.