Cutting Edge Features That You Should Include In Your CRM


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It also applies to any other resource that companies and marketers use to help them acquire and attract customers. A CRM application usually collects and analyzes data from various sources.

Organizations should use this technology to guarantee that every step of their relationship with consumers runs seamlessly and effectively. Leading CRM technology has seen several advancements and improvements in the past, allowing companies and organizations to achieve greater milestones. This is done mainly by streamlining management and providing the finest customer service.

Consumer Relationship Management tools have undeniably changed the way businesses interact with their partners and consumers. It has been paving the way for actionable information that could be used to provide further insights into customer preferences and patterns. Therefore, culminating in a clear customer-centric strategy.

There is no one-size-fits-all key to successful entrepreneurship in today’s global business environment. The key is to put together the right players and close in on the best business options, with CRM systems at the heart.

Furthermore, it has been seen that the growth of CRM is not slowing down. As per SuperOffice, it is anticipated to reach an upward of $80 billion by the year 2025. There are CRM development companies out there, which can help your business by catering to your business needs. 

With that in mind, we should be aware that more changes are on their way. But for now, here are the cutting-edge features that you should include in your CRM application. 

CRM Features You Must Have

Listed below are some of the features you need to consider having in your CRM application. 

  1. Sales Forecasting and Analytics

This feature provides you with real-time analysis of your team’s outlook and allows you to see updates as they emerge. This is a necessary aspect for all types of sales setups because it provides an accurate perspective of the whole market. Plus, it also offers you overall predictions.

Leak detection in the sales funnel is streamlined since information can be processed based on the sales representative. Turnaround time for marketing and sales campaigns will be reduced as departments would be able to determine which ones are functional and which are not, in real-time. 

  1. Integration

A highly recommended feature to have is the capability to integrate with several other channels. Chat functionality is required to provide customer service directly from the dashboard. A system with in-team chat would enable the management of various tasks with a clear solution.

Integrations for digital marketing and lead generation are also very helpful. As it is extremely convenient to use third-party applications within a single network, rendering data exchange is simple.

CRM users used to have to sign out of their respective accounts and log in again to read messages. But, in today’s workplace environment, this procedure is both cumbersome and unreliable as it increases the time expended in getting in and out of various accounts.

With the integration of this software, that will not be the case. 

  1. Management Of Sales Performance 

Sales performance management is a unique CRM feature that provides an array of benefits. With the help of this feature, management can point out the factors that are working in favor of the business and vice versa. Information collected may be organized by the sales representative or by other quantifiers.

With that information at hand, they can make improvements to the way the sales team works. To guarantee the team is working at its highest level, you can monitor the output of your sales partners or other sellers from the platform.

  1. Lead Management

By finding, rating, and pushing leads into the sales funnel, you can handle the process of turning prospects into prospective customers (leads). 

And a lead management application will assist you with the same. It will gather, track, rank, and distribute leads. It ranks leads on the basis of which customer is more interested in your brand. 

Here are a few benefits:

  • It will make the process of lead tracking efficient 
  • It will help in filtering your needs
  • It will increase productivity with automation
  • It will provide you with real-time reports
  1. Marketing Automation

Everyone has a list of manual, boring tasks: notes, follow-ups, blogging, and email writing. These tasks aren’t complicated, but they divert your attention away from more important tasks that may have a greater influence on the outcome.

But marketing automation allows users to set certain manual systems once and then forget about them. As you work on larger initiatives, the automated projects will proceed to operate in the background.

So you’ll end up shifting your focus to more complicated problems. But how does it work?

Marketing automation campaigns, at a high standard, deliver specific information to leads based on actions and results, with the intention of closing additional sales.

It enables you to reach consumers that are more likely to be interested in your products. A successful CRM framework would enable you to monitor the terms of strategically automating aspects of your marketing campaign.

  1. Opportunity Management

Opportunities are valuable to your businesses. and if done correctly, they can quickly raise your profitability. You must guarantee that you are successfully handling your opportunities by arming your staff with the necessary tools to make the most of each and every one of them.

With the help of the opportunity management process, you can do exactly the same. Opportunity management is the process of tracking all opportunities for potential sales across the pipeline and converting them into recurring revenue.

Here are a few benefits:

  • It assists the sales reps in taking the proper steps to finalize the deal each time.
  • It provides sales management with a clearer picture of the pipeline.
  • Work towards closing a deal with efficiency.
  1. Inside Sales Console

The inside sales console is a forum for improving sales efficiency through a more responsive user interface. CRM solutions have enhanced user interfaces and data management to further simplify and boost the customer experience.

With the help of this feature your business will experience :

  • Increase sales
  • Efficient internal communication
  • Ability to scale up or down the size of the sales staff
  • Better revenue forecasting

Final Word

These are some of the features that you should definitely incorporate in your CRM application. There are several mobile app development services companies; you can always seek their assistance.

It is no joke that CRM is the futuristic way of performing business activities. Hence, the faster you hop on to that bandwagon, the sooner you’ll benefit from it.