6 Apps That Can Boost Your Office Productivity

office productivity apps

Office productivity is an essential factor in day-to-day work that ensures that people can finish their tasks promptly. That’s why workplaces need to find ways to help boost overall office productivity in any way possible.

One way workplaces can do that is by investing in apps relevant to their work in the workplace.

On that note, here are six apps that may be able to boost your office productivity:

1. Evernote

Office work requires a lot of note-takings.

For example, when you’re interviewing someone, in a meeting or seminar, talking to a client, and so on. Therefore, you also need a note-taking app that can keep up with all of your needs as you work, which is what Evernote is for many users.

Evernote is an all-around note-taking app that has many features in it. For example, you can record audio, attach photos that you took with your device, sketch, and of course, type or even write notes on it.

What’s also great about it is that it syncs your notes throughout your devices so you can access it anytime and anywhere you want.

2. Asana

Office productivity won’t only happen by yourself. It’s a team effort a lot of the time, which is why offices should invest in apps that encourage a smoother collaboration between employees.

One such tool would be Asana. It helps in managing projects and tracking work progress for each member of your team. This tracking feature makes it easier to know who’s working on who and know which areas will need help. Plus, it makes people more accountable. 

Asana can also help you communicate with everyone in the team more comfortable and all in one place, so it isn’t confusing. You can even share files through this platform. It’s a collaboration toolset that you’d want in your arsenal.

3. Skedulo

Here at Maid Sailors Hoboken Cleaning Service, managing multiple job sites and professional cleaners at one time is part of your job. That’s why scheduling is a significant part of our work processes.

With that said, apps like Skedulo are a massive help. It ensures that we can manage our professional cleaners and that everything is coordinated.

For your office productivity, you might want to try Skedulo.

Sales departments can significantly benefit from this app since many sales representatives might need to be in the field.

When they’re out there, it cannot be easy to get in touch and coordinate with them. Skedulo then makes it easier to have a smoother operation for every member of the team.

4. Slack

It isn’t easy to manage communication between team members and even clients. This is especially true when people are stuck at home nowadays.

You can’t walk up to their desks and give them a quick notification or message on something. However, one excellent alternative to that would be Slack, a messaging platform.

Slack is an excellent messaging platform that is great for communicating with specific teams whenever you want to. You can also create a group chat based on projects.

You can organize the chat groups by channels to know what discussions need to occur in group chats. That way, you aren’t triggering notifications for people not involved in certain things.

5. Toggl

Toggl is a time-tracking tool that you can use for office use and even for personal use. This is ideal for people who want to take accountability. After all, it is easy for time to pass by when you’re in front of a computer.

For office usage, you can use it to track the hours of work of your employees. It can even show you the websites that your employees use.

Toggl also has many comprehensive and detailed features. This ensures that you’re recording accurate information. You can get rid of the idle time that the tool has recorded, and it will even work when you’re offline.

6. Zapier

Zapier is an exciting tool that helps automate specific processes for you. This is ideal if you have plenty of repetitive tasks. Instead of spending time on minor tasks that you often do, you can set up Zapier to do it for you.

When using Zapier, think of it as a go-between for your apps. For example, if you want to get a Slack message when someone tweets about your business, you can use Zapier to automate that process for you.

It will connect the Twitter trigger of a tweet with your handle on it to your Slack and notify you that you received the tweet. It can even tell you who tweeted you and what’s in the tweet.

Final Thoughts

Technology has made life more convenient for us in many ways, including the ways that we work. With that said, there’s no shame in using apps to automate a lot of standard work practices and processes that we often do.

The result will help you finish work faster and have smoother work operations in the long run.

Of course, not all these apps might work for you. That’s why you have to identify which aspects of your work processes can benefit from any of these apps and adjust accordingly.

However, you’ll never know if it will help your company if you don’t start.