7 strategies of using SWOT analysis framework in qualitative dissertation


SWOT analysis is a powerful tool to help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your business, organization or project. This framework can be used to understand what are the internal and external forces affecting your project and how they could play out. SWOT helps you identify opportunities by considering external threats and weaknesses as well as strengths and opportunities. In this article, we will discuss the 7 strategies of using SWOT analysis framework in qualitative dissertation.

7 strategies of using SWOT analysis framework

Following are the 7 strategies of using SWOT analysis framework in qualitative dissertation.

Identify the problem you would like to address

The first step in conducting a SWOT analysis is to identify the problem you would like to address. This could be anything from an interpersonal conflict with your spouse or partner to a global issue such as climate change. Once you have identified the issue, ask yourself why it’s important that this problem needs to be solved and how it affects you personally and professionally.

The next step is to think about how this particular problem affects other people—your family members, friends, colleagues at work or even strangers who are impacted by your research topic! You might also want to consider how this problem impacts the world at large—how does it affect humans? Animals? Plants? Microbes? Inanimate objects like buildings or roads?

Gather information relevant to your study

In order to identify your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, you need to gather information about your study. Here’s a list of some of the sources you can consider:

  • Interviews with stakeholders (if applicable)
  • Survey results from participants or customers (if applicable)
  • Market research reports/data from competitors
  • Stockholder reports based on financial data for a period of time

You may also use other sources such as social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn for gathering information related to SWOT analysis framework in qualitative dissertation topics

Set a structure for your SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a tool to help you understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a project, organization or individual. It is based on eight dimensions:

  • Strengths – internal factors that work for you
  • Weaknesses – internal factors that work against you
  • Opportunities – external factors that can be exploited by an organization
  • Threats – external factors which have the potential to harm an organization

Analyze data and compile results

The next step is to analyze the data and compile your results. This is a crucial part of any research project, as it’s where you’ll begin to see patterns emerge from your data. The first step in this process is to create a template or SWOT matrix with which you can organize your thoughts about the information you’ve collected. A SWOT matrix or other organizational tool serves as a great way for researchers to keep track of their results so that they can better understand how these will be useful for their dissertation or thesis.

Once you have an organized list of findings from both qualitative and quantitative sources, it’s time to compile everything into one document that synthesizes all of your findings together into one coherent summary statement (theses). It’s important that this statement comes across as concisely but clearly stated as possible; otherwise readers may get lost trying too hard to interpret what conclusions were drawn based on what evidence was presented earlier on during research stages!

Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

  • A strength is something that gives you an advantage over your competitors. It’s a feature or characteristic about your product that makes it unique, desirable and difficult to replicate by others.
  • A weakness is an internal weakness in your business model or operations, which could be fixed with more resources or better team management.
  • An opportunity is something that gives your company a chance to grow faster than it normally would as long as you act on it quickly enough.
  • And finally, a threat is any external force that could negatively affect the success of your business mission (like new competitors entering the market).

Create an action plan for mitigating weaknesses and threats and enhancing strengths and opportunities

Once you have identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your project, it is time to create an action plan for mitigating weaknesses and threats and enhancing strengths and opportunities.

  • Strengths: Address ways in which these can be taken advantage of as part of the project
  • Weaknesses: Identify how they might be improved upon or avoided
  • Opportunities: Brainstorm new ideas that could take advantage of them in a positive way
  • Threats: Think about how you might avoid any potential problems

Communicate the results of your SWOT analysis

The results of your SWOT analysis provide a foundation for the rest of your dissertation, so it’s important to communicate them clearly.

You should write down one or more key implications from each quadrant in your SWOT analysis and include them in your thesis statement and introduction. That way, when you present the results of your SWOT, readers will know what to do with them. In addition, make sure to follow up on each implication by discussing how you plan to use it as part of your research design. Doing so will ensure that you don’t forget about any important information during data collection or analysis stages!


SWOT is a simple yet effective tool that you can use to analyze complex situations. Now that you have a better understanding of SWOT analysis, try applying it to your own situation. You may be surprised with the results! If you need help with your SWOT analysis, try using a SWOT template or get research proposal help from experts. It will ensure that all of the important components are included and that your analysis is thorough.


In summary, the SWOT analysis framework is a powerful tool that can be used to analyze complex situations. It provides an organized approach for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your business or organization. This will help you develop strategies to mitigate weaknesses and threats while enhancing strengths and opportunities.